Class CffFont

CffFont class

Represents Compact Font Format (CFF).

public class CffFont : Font


override Encoding { get; }Gets Font encoding.
override FontDefinition { get; }Gets Font definition.
override FontFamily { get; set; }Gets Font family. The Font family setter is not implemented yet.
override FontName { get; set; }Gets Font face name. The Font face name setter is not implemented yet.
override FontNames { get; }Get Font names.
FontSaver { get; }Gets Font save functionality.
override FontStyle { get; }Gets Font style. This is a value computed and represented in generalized type.
override FontType { get; }Gets Font type. Returns FontType.CFF value.
GlyphAccessor { get; }Font glyph accessor. Retrieves glyphs and glyph identifiers.
override GlyphIdType { get; }Gets glyph id type specification.
IsCidKeyedFont { get; }Gets value indicating that the Font is cid-keyed.
override Metrics { get; }Gets Font metrics.
override NumGlyphs { get; }Gets number of glyphs in the Font.
override PostscriptNames { get; }Gets postscript Font names.
override Style { get; set; }Gets Font style. This is a raw string value provided by Font file. The Style setter is not implemented yet.


override Convert(FontType)Converts the Font into another format.
override GetAllGlyphIds()Returns array of all glyph ids, available in the Font. Glyph id is a unique number for a glyph, which is font type dependent. CFF Font glyph id can be instance of (GlyphStringId) class or (GlyphUInt32Id) class.
override GetGlyphById(GlyphId)Returns glyph by glyph id. Glyph id is a unique number for a glyph, which is font type dependent. CFF Font glyph id can be instance of (GlyphStringId) class or (GlyphUInt32Id) class.
GetGlyphById(string)Returns glyph by glyph name.
GetGlyphById(uint)Returns glyph by glyph id.
virtual GetGlyphsForText(string)Gets glyphs representation for text.
virtual Save(Stream)Saves the Font into original format.
virtual Save(string)Saves the Font into original format.
SaveToFormat(Stream, FontSavingFormats)Saves the Font into format specified.

See Also