Class CffFontMetrics

CffFontMetrics class

Represents CFF Font metrics.

public class CffFontMetrics : FontMetrics


override Ascender { get; }Gets Ascender value.
override Descender { get; }Gets Descender value.
override FontBBox { get; }Gets FontBBox value.
override FontMatrix { get; }Gets FontMatrix value.
IsFixedPitch { get; }Gets IsFixedPitch value.
virtual LineGap { get; }Gets LineGap value.
virtual TypoAscender { get; set; }Gets TypoAscender value.
virtual TypoDescender { get; set; }Gets TypoDescender value.
virtual TypoLineGap { get; }Gets TypoLineGap value.
override UnitsPerEM { get; }Gets UnitsPerEM value.


virtual GetAscender(double)Returns ascender for specific Font size.
virtual GetDescender(double)Returns descender for specific Font size.
GetFontMatrixForGlyph(GlyphId)Calculates transformation matrix for glyph specified by id.
virtual GetGlyphBBox(GlyphId)Returns glyph BBox. Returns FontBBox if BBox was not defined for the glyph. May be overridden by specific font encoding inheritors.
override GetGlyphWidth(GlyphId)Returns glyph width. May be overridden by specific Font encoding inheritors.
virtual GetKerningValue(GlyphId, GlyphId)Returns kerning value for the glyph pair.
virtual GetTypoAscender(double)Returns descender for specific Font size.
virtual GetTypoDescender(double)Returns descender for specific Font size.
virtual GetTypoLineGap(double)Returns line gap for specific Font size.
override MeasureString(string, double)Measures string and returns string width.

See Also