Interface IGlyphAccessor

IGlyphAccessor interface

Defines functionality to retrieve specified glyph identifiers and glyphs.

public interface IGlyphAccessor


GlyphIdType { get; }Glyph id type specification.


GetAllGlyphIds()Returns all glyph ids, available in the Font. Glyph id is a unique number for a glyph, which is font type dependent. For example: Type1’s id is a glyph name, instance of (GlyphStringId) class. TTF’s id is an int index, instance of (GlyphUInt32Id) class.
GetGlyphById(GlyphId)Returns glyph by glyph id. Glyph id is a unique number for a glyph, which is font type dependent. GlyphId - derived object. For example: Type1’s id is a glyph name, instance of (GlyphStringId) class. TTF’s id is an int index, instance of (GlyphUInt32Id) class.
GetGlyphsForText(string)Get glyphs representation for text.

See Also