Class Version16Dot16

Version16Dot16 class

Reresents Version16Dot16 datatype

public class Version16Dot16 : ICloneable


Version16Dot16(ushort, ushort)Constructor


MajorNumber { get; set; }Gets or sets major version number. Value has sense only in hexademical notation, for example version 0.5 for ‘maxp’ in actual font files is 4 bytes: {0, 0, 80, 0}, what has hexademical representation 0x00005000. After reading this version from font file, Major and minor numbers for object Version16Dot16 will be 0 and 20480 respectively. And these values in hexademical form are 0x0000 and 0x5000.
MinorNumber { get; set; }Gets or sets minor version number Value has sense only in hexademical notation, for example version 0.5 for ‘maxp’ in actual font files is 4 bytes: {0, 0, 80, 0}, what has hexademical representation 0x00005000. After reading this version from font file, Major and minor numbers for object Version16Dot16 will be 0 and 20480 respectively. And these values in hexademical form are 0x0000 and 0x5000.
RawBytes { get; }Gets all raw bits for Version16Dot16 version number as byte array with size 4 bytes.


virtual Clone()Create a copy of Version16Dot16 object.
override ToString()Return version value as a formated string For example “0.5”, “1.1”, “3.0” etc.

See Also