Class TtfHmtxTable

TtfHmtxTable class

Represents “hmtx” table of the TTF Font file.

public class TtfHmtxTable : TtfTableBase


AdditionalAdvanceWidth { get; }In hmtx table could be the cases when total number of glyphs is not equal to hhea.numberOfHMetrics. For these cases hmtx table contains additional array ’leftSideBearing’ which is correspondent to property LeftSidebearings. But glyphs with indexes from hhea.numOfLongHorMetrics to maxp.numGlyphs also have widths. And these widths in accordance to specification for hmtx table have such values: “Here the advanceWidth is assumed to be the same as the advanceWidth for the last entry above”.
HMetrics { get; }Gets horizontal metrics.
LeftSidebearings { get; }Gets left side bearings.
Offset { get; }Gets offset from beginning of sfnt.
TtfTables { get; }Reference to TTF table repository.
static Tag { get; }Gets table tag.

See Also