Class TtfPostTable

TtfPostTable class

Represents “post” table of the TTF Font file.

public class TtfPostTable : TtfTableBase


Format { get; }Gets fixed format(version) of this table. Deprecated, use TableFormat property
HasNoPostScriptNames { get; }Indicates that no PostScript name information is provided for the glyphs in this font file.
IsFixedPitch { get; }Gets uint32 isFixedPitch. 0 if the font is proportionally spaced, non-zero if the font is not proportionally spaced (i.e. monospaced).
ItalicAngle { get; }Gets fixed italicAngle Italic angle in degrees.
MaxMemType1 { get; }Gets uint32 maxMemType1 Maximum memory usage when a TrueType font is downloaded as a Type 1 Font.
MaxMemType42 { get; }Gets uint32 maxMemType42 Maximum memory usage when a TrueType font is downloaded as a Type 42 Font.
MinMemType1 { get; }Gets uint32 minMemType1 Minimum memory usage when a TrueType font is downloaded as a Type 1 Font.
MinMemType42 { get; }Gets uint32 minMemType42 Minimum memory usage when a TrueType font is downloaded as a Type 42 Font.
Offset { get; }Gets offset from beginning of sfnt.
TableFormat { get; }Gets fixed format(version) of this table. Use properties MajorNumber and MinorNUmber of object Version16Dot16 in hexademical notation to detect version used.
TtfTables { get; }Reference to TTF table repository.
UnderlinePosition { get; }Gets FWord underlinePosition value.
UnderlineThickness { get; }Gets FWord underlineThickness value.
static Tag { get; }Gets table tag.


GetAllGlyphIndexesForGlyphName(string)Gets array of glyphs indexes by glyph name
GetGlyphIndex(string)Gets glyph index by glyph name.
GetGlyphName(uint)Gets glyph name by glyph index.

See Also