Class TtfStatTable.AxisRecord

TtfStatTable.AxisRecord class

Represents Axis Record structure. Spec: the axis record provides information about a single design axis.

public class AxisRecord


AxisRecord(string, ushort, ushort)Constructor


AxisNameId { get; }Returns axisNameID field. Spec: The axisNameID field provides a name ID that can be used to obtain strings from the ’name’ table that can be used to refer to the axis in application user interfaces.
AxisOrdering { get; }Returns axisOrdering field. Spec:A value that applications can use to determine primary sorting of face names, or for ordering of labels when composing family or face names.
Tag { get; }Returns a tag identifying the axis of design variation. Spec: Each axis record has a tag designating the axis. Tag values must follow the rules for axis tags described in the OpenType Design-Variation Axis Tag Registry.

See Also