Class TtfStatTable.AxisValueTableFormat3

TtfStatTable.AxisValueTableFormat3 class

Represents Axis value table format 3

public class AxisValueTableFormat3 : AxisValueTableBase


AxisValueTableFormat3(ushort, ushort, ushort, float, float)Constructor


AxisIndex { get; }Gets Zero-base index into the axis record array identifying the axis of design variation to which the axis value table applies.
Flags { get; }Gets axis value table flags field.
Format { get; }Gets format identifier (version number)
LinkedValue { get; }The numeric value for a style-linked mapping from this value.
Value { get; }The numeric value for this attribute value.
ValueName { get; }Gets the name from the ’name’ table that provide a display string for this attribute value.
ValueNameId { get; }Gets the name ID for entries in the ’name’ table that provide a display string for this attribute value.

See Also