
AsposeFontGetInfo function

Get info (metadata) from a Font-file.

function AsposeFontGetInfo(
fileNamestringFile name.

Return Value

JSON object

errorCodecode error (0 no error)
errorTexttext error ("" no error)
recordsArray of JSON objects :
* NameIdname identifier
* PlatformIdplatform identifier
* PlatformSpecificIdplatform-specific identifier
* LanguageIdlanguage identifier
* Infocontent of name record


Common js modules:

const AsposeFont = require('asposefontnodejs');

const font_file = "./fonts/Lora-Regular.ttf";

console.log("Aspose.Font for Node.js via C++ examples.");

AsposeFont().then(AsposeFontModule => {

    //AsposeFontGetInfo - get metadata information
    const json = AsposeFontModule.AsposeFontGetInfo(font_file);
    console.log("AsposeFontGetInfo => %O",  json.errorCode == 0 ? json.records.reduce((ret, a) => ret +
        "\nNameId : " + a.NameId
        + "; PlatformId : " + a.PlatformId
        + "; PlatformSpecificId : " + a.PlatformSpecificId
        + "; LanguageId : " + a.LanguageId
        + "; Info : " + a.Info,"") : json.errorText);


ECMAScript\ES6 js modules::

import AsposeFont from 'asposefontnodejs';

const font_file ="./fonts/arial.ttf";

console.log('Aspose.Font for Node.js via C++ example');

const AsposeFontModule = await AsposeFont();

//AsposeFontGetInfo - get metadata font information
json = AsposeFontModule.AsposeFontGetInfo(font_file);
console.log("AsposeFontGetInfo => %O",  json.errorCode == 0 ? json.records.reduce((ret, a) => ret +
    "\nNameId : " + a.NameId
  + "; PlatformId : " + a.PlatformId
  + "; PlatformSpecificId : " + a.PlatformSpecificId
  + "; LanguageId : " + a.LanguageId
  + "; Info : " + a.Info,"") : json.errorText);