Class GeocentricSpatialReferenceSystem

GeocentricSpatialReferenceSystem class

Geocentric SRS is 3 dimensional cartesian SRS with origin at earth center.

public class GeocentricSpatialReferenceSystem : SpatialReferenceSystem


virtual AsCompound { get; }Returns this SRS converted to CompoundSpatialReferenceSystem. Use IsCompound to find out if conversion is possible.
override AsGeocentric { get; }Return this.
virtual AsGeographic { get; }Returns this SRS converted to GeographicSpatialReferenceSystem. Use Type to find out if conversion is possible.
virtual AsLocal { get; }Returns this SRS converted to LocalSpatialReferenceSystem. Use Type to find out if conversion is possible.
virtual AsProjected { get; }Returns this SRS converted to ProjectedSpatialReferenceSystem. Use Type to find out if conversion is possible.
virtual AsVertical { get; }Returns this SRS converted to VerticalSpatialReferenceSystem. Use Type to find out if conversion is possible.
AxisesOrder { get; }Order of axises in this SRS. If this SRS is not valid and has wrong axises directions, Invalid is returned.
override DimensionsCount { get; }Return 3, since geocentric SRS is always three dimensional.
EpsgCode { get; }If this objects identifier is EPSG identifier - return its code. Otherwise - return -1.
override GeographicDatum { get; }Return geographic datum of this SRS.
override HasGeographicDatum { get; }Return true, since geocentric SRS always have geographic datum.
override HasPrimeMeridian { get; }Return true, since geocentric SRS always have prime meridian.
Identifier { get; }Identifier of this identifiable object.
virtual IsCompound { get; }Returns whether this SRS is compound (a union of two SRS). Following combinations of SRS in compound SRS are considered valid: Geographic SRS + Vertical SRS, in this case type of compound SRS will be Geographic. Projected SRS + Vertical SRS, in this case type of compound SRS will be Projected. If combination of SRSs differs, type of compound SRS will be Unknown.
IsSingle { get; }Returns whether this SRS is single (not a union of two SRS).
IsValid { get; }Same as Validate, but don’t return error message.
LinearUnit { get; }Unit, used in this SRS.
Name { get; }Name of this object.
override PrimeMeridian { get; }Return prime meridian of this SRS.
override Type { get; }Return Geocentric.


CreateTransformationTo(SpatialReferenceSystem)Creates transformation from this SpatialReferenceSystem to another SpatialReferenceSystem.
ExportToWkt()Returns representation of this SRS as WKT string. The result WKT string will match OGC 01-009 specification, usually named “WKT1”.
override GetAxis(int)Get Axis that describes dimension.
override GetUnit(int)Get Unit of dimension.
virtual IsEquivalent(SpatialReferenceSystem)Detects whether this SRS is equivalent to other SRS. .
override ToString()Returns a string that represents the current object.
TryCreateTransformationTo(SpatialReferenceSystem, out SpatialReferenceSystemTransformation)Creates transformation from this SpatialReferenceSystem to another SpatialReferenceSystem.
override Validate(out string)Determine if this SRS is valid. See Validate for validity description.

See Also