Class Feature

Feature class

A geographic feature composed of a geometry and user-defined attributes.

public class Feature


Geometry { get; set; }Gets or sets geometry of the feature. Cannot be null, use Null to indicate missing geometry.


CopyValues(Feature)Copies values of attributes from another feature.
GetValue(string)Gets the value of an attribute.
GetValue<T>(string)Gets the value of an attribute.
GetValueOrDefault(string, object)Gets the value of an attribute, or DefaultValue if the value is unset or null.
GetValueOrDefault<T>(string)Gets the value of an attribute, or DefaultValue if the value is unset or null.
GetValueOrDefault<T>(string, object)Gets the value of an attribute, or DefaultValue if the value is unset or null.
GetValues(object[], object)Returns the values for all the attributes in an array.
GetValuesDump(object)Returns the values for all the attributes in an array. Consider to use GetValues method to avoid additional memory allocation.
GetValuesList<T>(string, string, int)Gets the values of an attributes sequence as a list.
IsValueNull(string)Determines whether the specified attribute has been explicitly set to null value.
IsValueSet(string)Checks if the attribute value is set in this feature.
SetValue<T>(string, T)Sets a new value of an attribute.
SetValueNull(string)Sets value of the attribute to null.
SetValues(object[])Sets new values for all of the attributes. Also consider to use CopyValues method to streamline setting values in one call.
UnsetValue(string)Removes the attribute value from this feature.

See Also