ICSSKeyframesRule Interface

ICSSKeyframesRule interface

The name property of the CSSKeyframeRule interface gets and sets the name of the animation as used by the animation-name property.

public interface ICSSKeyframesRule : ICSSRule


getCSSRules The read-only cssRules property of the CSSKeyframeRule interface returns a CSSRuleList containing the rules in the keyframes at-rule.
getName The name property of the CSSKeyframeRule interface gets and sets the name of the animation as used by the animation-name property.


appendRule(String)The appendRule method appends the passed CSSKeyframeRule at the end of the keyframes rule collection.
deleteRule(String)The deleteRule method deletes the CSSKeyframeRule with the passed key. If a rule with this key does not exist, the method does nothing
findRule(String)The findRule method returns the rule with a key matching the passed key. If no such rule exists, a null value is returned

See Also