FormEditor Class

FormEditor class

This class represents the editor over the HTMLFormElement that creates a easier way for .net developers to edit the html forms.

public class FormEditor : IDisposable, IEnumerable<FormElement>


[setAction] Server-side form handler. See the action attribute definition in HTML 4.01.
getCount The number of form controls in the form.
getForm The original HTMLFormElement that is associated with current instance of FormEditor.
getItem Returns the element by specified index. (2 indexers)
[setMethod] HTTP method [IETF RFC 2616] used to submit form. See the method attribute definition in HTML 4.01.


static Create(HTMLFormElement)Creates a new FormEditor based on HTMLFormElement.
static Create(HTMLDocument, int)Creates a new FormEditor based on HTMLFormElement selected from the Forms collection by index.
static Create(HTMLDocument, String)Creates a new FormEditor based on HTMLFormElement selected from the document by id.
static CreateNew(HTMLDocument)Creates a new HTMLFormElement and associated it with FormEditor. HTMLFormElement is created in the detached from the document state; in order to attach it to the document, please select proper location and use AppendChild method.
Add<T>(String)Creates a new HTMLElement and adds it to the end of the form.
addInput(String)Creates a new InputElement and adds it to the end of the form.
addInput(String, InputElementType)Creates a new InputElement and adds it to the end of the form.
dispose()Releases unmanaged and managed resources.
fill(Dictionary<String, String>)
GetElement<T>(int)Returns the element by specified index.
GetElement<T>(String)Returns the element by specified name.
getEnumerator()Gets the enumerator.

See Also