
The package provides access to numerous objects (elements) which are responsible to user interactivity within form as web page component.


ButtonElementThe ButtonElement represents a wrapper that is associated with the HTMLButtonElement.
DataListElementThe DataListElement represents a wrapper that is associated with the HTMLDataListElement
FormEditorThis class represents the editor over the HTMLFormElement that creates a easier way for .net developers to edit the html forms.
FormElementRepresents base class for form elements.
FormElement<T>The FormElement represent the generic field
FormSubmitterThis class allows to prepare specified HTMLFormElement, collects values from the form element, submit them to the remote server and receives a response.
InputElementThe InputElement represents a wrapper that is associated with the HTMLInputElement.
OptionCollectionThe OptionElements represents a wrapper that is associated with the IHTMLOptionsCollection
OptionElementThe OptionElement represents a wrapper that is associated with the HTMLOptionElement
SelectElementThe SelectElement represents a wrapper that is associated with the HTMLSelectElement
SubmissionResultThis class represents the result of the submitting form data to the server.
TextAreaElementThe TextAreaElement represents a wrapper that is associated with the HTMLTextAreaElement


ButtonTypeThis enumeration represents states of the button.
FormElementTypeRepresents an enumeration of the Form Elements types and their corresponding to the HTML Elements
InputElementTypeRepresent states of the input field.