OutputStream Class

OutputStream class

A surrogate stream wraps the real output stream and controls access to it.OutputStream contains URI data that describes location of the output stream.

public class OutputStream : Stream


OutputStream(Stream, String)Initializes a new instance of the OutputStream class.


getCanRead Gets a value indicating whether the wrapped output stream supports reading.
getCanSeek Gets a value indicating whether the wrapped output stream supports seeking.
getCanWrite Gets a value indicating whether the wrapped output stream supports writing.
getLength Gets the length in bytes of the wrapped output stream.
[setPosition] Gets or sets the position within the wrapped output stream.
getUri Gets the URI of stream location.


close()Closes the wrapped output stream and current stream.
flush()Clears all buffers for the wrapped output stream and causes any buffered data to be written to the underlying device.
read(byte[], int, int)Reads a sequence of bytes from the wrapped output stream and advances the position within the stream by the number of bytes read.
seek(long, SeekOrigin)Sets the position within the wrapped output stream.
setLength(long)Sets the length of the wrapped output stream.
write(byte[], int, int)Writes a sequence of bytes to the wrapped output stream and advances the current position within this stream by the number of bytes written.

See Also