

Saves the document to a local file specified by url. All resources used in this document will be saved into an adjacent folder, whose name will be constructed as output_file_name + “_files”.

public void Save(Url url)
urlUrlLocal URL to output file.


ArgumentExceptionRaised if the specified url is not a valid local file URL.



Most of the tasks, you need to perform, require saving a document. Once you load the existing file or create an HTML document from scratch, you can save your changes using one of HTMLDocument.Save() methods. The methods allow saving HTML to a local file specified by path, URL, or output storage. Refer to the documentation to learn more about saving.

Save(Url) Method

It is necessary to specify a full Url path - ‘outputFilePath’ for HTML document saving. The Url(url) constructor creates an instance of the Url class with the specified url. Then you should pass the instance to the Save(Url) method. The document will be saved to the local file specified by url. All resources used in this document will be saved into an adjacent folder, whose name will be constructed as output_file_name + “_files”.

Source code

You can download the complete examples and data files from GitHub.


import System;
import System.IO;
import com.aspose.html;
import (var document = new HTMLDocument(inputHtmlPath))
	HTMLDivElement element = (HTMLDivElement) document.CreateElement("div");
	element.InnerHTML = "Hello from DIV element";
	var outputFilePath = Path.Combine(outputHtmlPath, "result.html");
	document.Save(new Url(outputFilePath));

*inputHtmlPath - user input html file.

*outputHtmlPath - user output folder path.

See Also


Saves the document content and resources to the output storage.

public void Save(IOutputStorage outputStorage)
outputStorageIOutputStorageThe output storage. A custom implementation of IOutputStorage interface. See the example below as more detailed view into processing html files and linked resources.



Most of the tasks, you need to perform, require saving a document. Once you load the existing file or create an HTML document from scratch, you can save your changes using one of HTMLDocument.Save() methods. The methods allow saving HTML to a local file specified by path, URL, or output storage. Refer to the documentation to learn more about saving.

Save(IOutputStorage) Method

An HTML document can contain different resources like CSS, external images and files. Aspose.HTML provides a way to save HTML with all linked files - the IOutputStorage interface is developed for saving HTML content and resources to streams. The CustomOutputStorage(outputHtmlPath) constructor creates an object that is a file system storage. The Save(outputStorage) method takes this object and saves the HTML document to the output storage.

Source code

You can download the complete examples and data files from GitHub.


import System;
import com.aspose.html;
import com.aspose.html.IO;
import com.aspose.html.Saving;
import (var document = new HTMLDocument(inputHtmlPath))
	HTMLDivElement element = (HTMLDivElement) document.CreateElement("div");
	element.InnerHTML = "Hello from DIV element";

	IOutputStorage outputStorage = new CustomOutputStorage(outputHtmlPath);
	document.Save(outputStorage, HTMLSaveFormat.HTML);

*inputHtmlPath - user input html file path.

*outputHtmlPath - user output folder path.

class CustomOutputStorage : IOutputStorage
	private readonly String _outputDirectoryPath;
	private String _resourceDirectoryPath;

	public CustomOutputStorage(String outputPath)
		_outputDirectoryPath = Path.GetDirectoryName(outputPath);

	// IOutputStorage method implementation
	public OutputStream CreateStream(OutputStreamContext context)
		var uri = new Uri(context.Uri);
		var uriAbsolutePath = uri.AbsolutePath;
		Console.WriteLine($"Absolute Path: {uriAbsolutePath}");

		String resultPath;
		if (uriAbsolutePath.EndsWith(".html"))
			var fileName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(uriAbsolutePath);
			_resourceDirectoryPath = $"{_outputDirectoryPath}/{fileName}_files/";
			resultPath = Path.Combine(_outputDirectoryPath, fileName + ".htm");
			var resourceFileName = Path.GetFileName(uriAbsolutePath);
			resultPath = Path.Combine(_resourceDirectoryPath, resourceFileName);

		if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(_resourceDirectoryPath) == false && !Directory.Exists(_resourceDirectoryPath))
		Console.WriteLine($"Process to path: {resultPath}");

		return new OutputStream(System.IO.File.Create(resultPath), resultPath);

	// IOutputStorage method implementation
	public void ReleaseStream(OutputStream stream)

See Also


Saves the document to a local file specified by path. All resources used in this document will be saved into an adjacent folder, whose name will be constructed as: output_file_name + “_files”.

public void Save(String path)
pathStringLocal file system path to output file.


ArgumentExceptionRaised if the specified path is not a valid local file path.



Most of the tasks, you need to perform, require saving a document. Once you load the existing file or create an HTML document from scratch, you can save your changes using one of HTMLDocument.Save() methods. The methods allow saving HTML to a local file specified by path, URL, or output storage. Refer to the documentation to learn more about saving.

Save(String) method takes as a parameter a local file system path to an output file and saves an HTML document to the local file specified by path. All resources used in the document will be saved into an adjacent folder.

Source code

You can download the complete examples and data files from GitHub.


import System;
import System.IO;
import com.aspose.html;
 using (var document = new HTMLDocument(inputHtmlPath))
	HTMLDivElement element = (HTMLDivElement) document.CreateElement("div");
	element.InnerHTML = "Hello from DIV element";
	if (outputHtmlPath == null)
		throw new ArgumentException("Non valid path to output result");

	var outputFilePath = Path.Combine(outputHtmlPath, "result.html");

*inputHtmlPath - user input html file path.

*outputHtmlPath - user output directory path.

See Also

Save(String, HTMLSaveFormat)

Saves the document to a local file specified by path. All resources used in this document will be saved into an adjacent folder, whose name will be constructed as output_file_name + “_files”.

public void Save(String path, HTMLSaveFormat saveFormat)
pathStringLocal file path to output file.
saveFormatHTMLSaveFormatFormat in which document is saved.


ArgumentExceptionRaised if the specified path is not a valid local file path.



Most of the tasks, you need to perform, require saving a document. Once you load the existing file or create an HTML document from scratch, you can save your changes using one of HTMLDocument.Save() methods. The methods allow saving HTML to a local file specified by path, URL, or output storage. Refer to the documentation to learn more about saving.

Save(String, HTMLSaveFormat) Method

Save(String, HTMLSaveFormat) method takes as parameters a local file system path to output file and saveFormat. The HTMLSaveFormat Enumeration specifies the format in which document is saved, it can be HTML, MHTML and MD formats. The method saves the HTML document in the specified format to the local file specified by path. All resources used in the document will be saved into an adjacent folder.

Source code

You can download the complete examples and data files from GitHub.


# HTML input file content
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en"
  <meta charset="UTF-8">
  <link rel="stylesheet" href="styles/main.css">
<div id="uniqueIdentifier">Container with ID - identifier</div>
<div class="custom-class">Customized by css class container</div>

  <p class="pStyle">First styled by pStyle class paragraph</p>
  <p class="pStyle">Second styled by pStyle class paragraph</p>
  <p class="pStyle">Third styled by pStyle class paragraph</p>
  <span class="pStyle">Span styled by pStyle</span>

<math xmlns="">

<div id="smart class">
  <p id="p1" class="ddd kkk">Paragraph styled by class name =ddd kkk=</p>
  <p id="p2" class="ddd fff">Paragraph styled by class name =ddd fff=</p>
  <p id="p3" class="kkk fff">Paragraph styled by class name =kkk fff=</p>


# C# code
import System;
import System.IO;
import com.aspose.html;
import com.aspose.html.Saving;
import (var document = new HTMLDocument(inputHtmlPath))
	HTMLDivElement element = (HTMLDivElement) document.CreateElement("div");
	element.InnerHTML = "Hello from DIV element";
	if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(outputHtmlPath))
		throw new ArgumentException("Non valid path to output result");
	var outputFilePath = Path.Combine(outputHtmlPath, "result.mhtml");
	document.Save(outputFilePath, HTMLSaveFormat.MHTML);

*inputHtmlPath - user input html file path.

*outputHtmlPath - user output folder path.

Content of result file

MIME-Version: 1.0

Content-Type: Multipart/related; boundary=“boundary”;type=Text/HTML


Content-Type: text/html;

Content-Location: result.mhtml

<!DOCTYPE html><html lang=“en” xmlns:xml=“"&gt;&lt;head>

<meta charset=“UTF-8”>

<link rel=“stylesheet” href=“main.css”>




<div id=“uniqueIdentifier”>Container with ID - identifier</div>

<div class=“custom-class”>Customized by css class container</div>


<p class=“pStyle”>First styled by pStyle class paragraph</p>

<p class=“pStyle”>Second styled by pStyle class paragraph</p>

<p class=“pStyle”>Third styled by pStyle class paragraph</p>

<span class=“pStyle”>Span styled by pStyle</span>


<math xmlns=“">



<div id=“smart class”>

<p id=“p1” class=“ddd kkk”>Paragraph styled by class name =ddd kkk=</p>

<p id=“p2” class=“ddd fff”>Paragraph styled by class name =ddd fff=</p>

<p id=“p3” class=“kkk fff”>Paragraph styled by class name =kkk fff=</p>


<div>Hello from DIV element</div></body></html>


Content-Type: text/css;

Content-Location: main.css

.custom-class { color: yellow; background-color: blueviolet; margin-top: 10pt; margin-right: 10pt; margin-bottom: 10pt; margin-left: 10pt; }.pStyle { font-weight: bold; }.ddd { padding-top: 10pt; padding-right: 10pt; padding-bottom: 10pt; padding-left: 10pt; }.kkk { background-color: chartreuse; }


See Also

Save(Url, HTMLSaveFormat)

Saves the document to a local file specified by url. All resources used in this document will be saved into an adjacent folder, whose name will be constructed as output_file_name + “_files”.

public void Save(Url url, HTMLSaveFormat saveFormat)
urlUrlLocal URL to output file.
saveFormatHTMLSaveFormatFormat in which document is saved.


ArgumentExceptionRaised if the specified url is not a valid local file URL.



Most of the tasks, you need to perform, require saving a document. Once you load the existing file or create an HTML document from scratch, you can save your changes using one of HTMLDocument.Save() methods. The methods allow saving HTML to a local file specified by path, URL, or output storage. Refer to the documentation to learn more about saving.

Save(Url, HTMLSaveFormat) Method

It is necessary to specify a full Url path - ‘outputFilePath’ for HTML document saving. The Url(url) constructor creates an instance of the Url class with the specified url. The HTMLSaveFormat Enumeration specifies the format in which document is saved, it can be HTML, MHTML and MD formats. Then you should pass the parameters to the Save(url, saveFormat) method. The document will be saved in the specified format to the local file specified by url.

Source code

You can download the complete examples and data files from GitHub.


import System;
import System.IO;
import com.aspose.html;
import com.aspose.html.Saving;
import (var document = new HTMLDocument(inputHtmlPath))
	HTMLDivElement element = (HTMLDivElement) document.CreateElement("div");
	element.InnerHTML = "Hello from DIV element";
	if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(outputHtmlPath))
		throw new ArgumentException("Non valid path to output result");

	var outputFilePath = Path.Combine(outputHtmlPath, "result.mhtml");
	document.Save(new Url(outputFilePath), HTMLSaveFormat.MHTML);

*inputHtmlPath - user input html file path.

*outputHtmlPath - user output directory path.

See Also

Save(IOutputStorage, HTMLSaveFormat)

Saves the document content and resources to the output storage.

public void Save(IOutputStorage outputStorage, HTMLSaveFormat saveFormat)
outputStorageIOutputStorageThe output storage. Custom implementation of IOutputStorage interface.
saveFormatHTMLSaveFormatFormat in which document is saved.



Most of the tasks, you need to perform, require saving a document. Once you load the existing file or create an HTML document from scratch, you can save your changes using one of HTMLDocument.Save() methods. The methods allow saving HTML to a local file specified by path, URL, or output storage. Refer to the documentation to learn more about saving.

Save(IOutputStorage, HTMLSaveFormat) Method

An HTML document can contain different resources like CSS, external images and files. Aspose.HTML provides a way to save HTML with all linked files - the IOutputStorage interface is developed for saving HTML content and resources to streams. The CustomOutputStorage(outputHtmlPath) constructor creates an object that is a file system storage. The HTMLSaveFormat Enumeration specifies the format in which document is saved, it can be HTML, MHTML and MD formats. The Save(outputStorage, saveFormat) method takes the outputStorage object and saveFormat as parameters and saves the document to the output storage.

Source code

You can download the complete examples and data files from GitHub.


import System;
import com.aspose.html;
import com.aspose.html.IO;
import com.aspose.html.Saving;
import (var document = new HTMLDocument(inputHtmlPath))
	// Edit existing document
	HTMLDivElement element = (HTMLDivElement) document.CreateElement("div");
	element.InnerHTML = "Hello from DIV element";
	// Refer to custom IOutputStorage implementation interface
	IOutputStorage outputStorage = new CustomOutputStorage(outputHtmlPath);
	// Save modified document
	document.Save(outputStorage, HTMLSaveFormat.HTML);

*inputHtmlPath - user input html file path.

*outputHtmlPath - user output folder path.

import System;
import System.IO;
import com.aspose.html.IO;
class CustomOutputStorage : IOutputStorage
	private readonly String _outputDirectoryPath;
	private String _resourceDirectoryPath;

	public CustomOutputStorage(String outputPath)
		_outputDirectoryPath = Path.GetDirectoryName(outputPath);

	// IOutputStorage method implementation
	public OutputStream CreateStream(OutputStreamContext context)
		var uri = new Uri(context.Uri);
		var uriAbsolutePath = uri.AbsolutePath;
		Console.WriteLine($"Absolute Path: {uriAbsolutePath}");

		String resultPath;

		if (uriAbsolutePath.EndsWith(".html"))
			var fileName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(uriAbsolutePath);
			_resourceDirectoryPath = $"{_outputDirectoryPath}/{fileName}_files/";
			resultPath = Path.Combine(_outputDirectoryPath, fileName + ".htm");
			var resourceFileName = Path.GetFileName(uriAbsolutePath);
			resultPath = Path.Combine(_resourceDirectoryPath, resourceFileName);

		if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(_resourceDirectoryPath) == false &amp;&amp; !Directory.Exists(_resourceDirectoryPath))

		Console.WriteLine($"Process: {resultPath}");

		return new OutputStream(System.IO.File.Create(resultPath), resultPath);

	// IOutputStorage method implementation
	public void ReleaseStream(OutputStream stream)

See Also

Save(String, HTMLSaveOptions)

Saves the document to a local file specified by path. All resources used in this document will be saved into an adjacent folder, whose name will be constructed as: output_file_name + “_files”.

public void Save(String path, HTMLSaveOptions saveOptions)
pathStringLocal path to output file.
saveOptionsHTMLSaveOptionsHTMLSaveOptions object is for resource handling process management.


ArgumentExceptionRaised if the specified path is not a valid local file path.



Most of the tasks, you need to perform, require saving a document. Once you load the existing file or create an HTML document from scratch, you can save your changes using one of HTMLDocument.Save() methods. The methods allow saving HTML to a local file specified by path, URL, or output storage. Refer to the documentation to learn more about saving.

Save(String, HTMLSaveOptions) Method

Save(String, HTMLSaveOptions) method takes as parameters a local file system path to output file, an instance of HTMLSaveOptions class and saves an HTML document with resources to the local file specified by path. The HTMLSaveOptions() constructor creates a save options instance that has ResourceHandlingOptions properties which are used for configuration of resources handling. All resources used in the document will be saved into an adjacent folder.

Source code

You can download the complete examples and data files from GitHub.


import System;
import System.IO;
import com.aspose.html;
import com.aspose.html.Saving;
import (var document = new HTMLDocument(inputHtmlPath))
	HTMLDivElement element = (HTMLDivElement) document.CreateElement("div");
	element.InnerHTML = "Hello from DIV element";
	if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(outputHtmlPath))
		throw new ArgumentException("Non valid path to output result");

	var outputFilePath = Path.Combine(outputHtmlPath, "result.html");
	// Define options class instance
	var options = new HTMLSaveOptions();
	// Pages handling restriction
	options.ResourceHandlingOptions.MaxHandlingDepth = 1;
	document.Save(outputFilePath, options);

*inputHtmlPath - user input html file path.

*outputHtmlPath - user output folder path.

See Also

Save(Url, HTMLSaveOptions)

Saves the document to a local file specified by url. All resources used in this document will be saved into an adjacent folder, whose name will be constructed as: output_file_name + “_files”.

public void Save(Url url, HTMLSaveOptions saveOptions)
urlUrlLocal URL to output file.
saveOptionsHTMLSaveOptionsHTMLSaveOptions object is for resource handling process management.


ArgumentExceptionRaised if the specified url is not a valid local file URL.



Most of the tasks, you need to perform, require saving a document. Once you load the existing file or create an HTML document from scratch, you can save your changes using one of HTMLDocument.Save() methods. The methods allow saving HTML to a local file specified by path, URL, or output storage. Refer to the documentation to learn more about saving.

Save(Url, HTMLSaveOptions) Method

It is necessary to specify a full Url path for HTML document saving. The Url(url) constructor creates an instance of the Url class with the specified url. The HTMLSaveOptions() constructor creates an instance of HTMLSaveOptions class that has ResourceHandlingOptions properties which are used for configuration of resources handling. The Save(url, saveOptions) method takes parameters and saves the HTML document with resources to the local file specified by url.

Source code

You can download the complete examples and data files from GitHub.


import System;
import System.IO;
import com.aspose.html;
import com.aspose.html.Saving;
import (var document = new HTMLDocument(inputHtmlPath))
	HTMLDivElement element = (HTMLDivElement) document.CreateElement("div");
	element.InnerHTML = "Hello from DIV element";
	if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(outputHtmlPath))
		throw new ArgumentException("Non valid path to output result");

	var outputFilePath = Path.Combine(outputHtmlPath, "result.html");
	// Define options class instance
	var options = new HTMLSaveOptions();
	// Pages handling restriction
	options.ResourceHandlingOptions.MaxHandlingDepth = 1;
	document.Save(new Url(outputFilePath), options);

*inputHtmlPath - user input html file path.

*outputHtmlPath - user output folder path.

See Also

Save(IOutputStorage, HTMLSaveOptions)

Saves the document content and resources to the output storage.

public void Save(IOutputStorage outputStorage, HTMLSaveOptions saveOptions)
outputStorageIOutputStorageCustom implementation of IOutputStorage interface.
saveOptionsHTMLSaveOptionsHTMLSaveOptions object enables you to manage resource handling process.



Most of the tasks, you need to perform, require saving a document. Once you load the existing file or create an HTML document from scratch, you can save your changes using one of HTMLDocument.Save() methods. The methods allow saving HTML to a local file specified by path, URL, or output storage. Refer to the documentation to learn more about saving.

Save(IOutputStorage, HTMLSaveOptions) Method

An HTML document can contain different resources like CSS, external images and files. Aspose.HTML provides a way to save HTML with all linked files - the IOutputStorage interface is developed for saving HTML content and resources to streams. The CustomOutputStorage(outputHtmlPath) constructor creates an object that is a file system storage. The HTMLSaveOptions() constructor creates a save options instance that has the ResourceHandlingOptions properties which are used for configuration of resources handling. The Save(outputStorage, saveOptions) method takes outputStorage and options as parameters and saves the HTML document with resources to the output storage.

Source code

You can download the complete examples and data files from GitHub.


import System;
import com.aspose.html;
import com.aspose.html.IO;
import com.aspose.html.Saving;
import (var document = new HTMLDocument(inputHtmlPath))
	// Edit existing document
	HTMLDivElement element = (HTMLDivElement) document.CreateElement("div");
	element.InnerHTML = "Hello from DIV element";
	// Refer to custom IOutputStorage implementation interface
	IOutputStorage outputStorage = new CustomOutputStorage(outputHtmlPath);
	var options = new HTMLSaveOptions();
	// Pages handling restriction
	options.ResourceHandlingOptions.MaxHandlingDepth = 1;
	// Save modified document
	document.Save(outputStorage, options);

*inputHtmlPath - user input html file path.

*outputHtmlPath - user output folder path.

class CustomOutputStorage : IOutputStorage
	private readonly String _outputDirectoryPath;
	private String _resourceDirectoryPath;

	public CustomOutputStorage(String outputPath)
      _outputDirectoryPath = Path.GetDirectoryName(outputPath);

    // IOutputStorage method implementation
    public OutputStream CreateStream(OutputStreamContext context)
      var uri = new Uri(context.Uri);
      var uriAbsolutePath = uri.AbsolutePath;
      Console.WriteLine($"Absolute Path: {uriAbsolutePath}");

      String resultPath;

      if (uriAbsolutePath.EndsWith(".html"))
        var fileName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(uriAbsolutePath);
        _resourceDirectoryPath = $"{_outputDirectoryPath}/{fileName}_files/";
        resultPath = Path.Combine(_outputDirectoryPath, fileName + ".htm");
        var resourceFileName = Path.GetFileName(uriAbsolutePath);
        resultPath = Path.Combine(_resourceDirectoryPath, resourceFileName);

      if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(_resourceDirectoryPath) == false &amp;&amp; !Directory.Exists(_resourceDirectoryPath))

      Console.WriteLine($"Process: {resultPath}");

      return new OutputStream(System.IO.File.Create(resultPath), resultPath);

    // IOutputStorage method implementation
    public void ReleaseStream(OutputStream stream)

See Also

Save(String, MarkdownSaveOptions)

Saves the document to a local file specified by path. All resources used in this document will be saved into an adjacent folder, whose name will be constructed as: output_file_name + “_files”.

public void Save(String path, MarkdownSaveOptions saveOptions)
pathStringLocal path to output file.
saveOptionsMarkdownSaveOptionsMarkdownSaveOptions object usage enables you to tune the rendering process. For more info see the Aspose Documentation.


ArgumentExceptionRaised if the specified path is not a valid local file path.



Most of the tasks, you need to perform, require saving a document. Once you load the existing file or create an HTML document from scratch, you can save your changes using one of HTMLDocument.Save() methods. The methods allow saving HTML to a local file specified by path, URL, or output storage. Refer to the documentation to learn more about saving.

Save(String, MarkdownSaveOptions) Method

It is necessary to specify a local file system path to the output file for document saving. The MarkdownSaveOptions() constructor creates an instance of MarkdownSaveOptions class that has a set of properties. For example, you can set markdown formatting style, use predefined GitLab Flavored Markdown compatible options and configure resources handling. The Save(path, saveOptions) method takes the local file system path to output file and options instance as parameters and saves HTML as a Markdown document with resources to the local file specified by path.

Source code

You can download the complete examples and data files from GitHub.


import System;
import System.IO;
import com.aspose.html;
import com.aspose.html.Saving;
import (var document = new HTMLDocument(inputHtmlPath))
	HTMLDivElement element = (HTMLDivElement) document.CreateElement("div");
	element.InnerHTML = "Hello from DIV element";
	if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(outputHtmlPath))
		throw new ArgumentException("Non valid path to output result");

	var outputFilePath = Path.Combine(outputHtmlPath, "");
	// Define options class instance
	var options = new MarkdownSaveOptions();
	document.Save(outputFilePath, options);

*inputHtmlPath - user input html file.

*outputHtmlPath - user output folder path.

See Also

Save(Url, MarkdownSaveOptions)

Saves the document to a local file specified by url. All resources used in this document will be saved into an adjacent folder, whose name will be constructed as: output_file_name + “_files”.

public void Save(Url url, MarkdownSaveOptions saveOptions)
urlUrlLocal URL to output file.
saveOptionsMarkdownSaveOptionsMarkdownSaveOptions object usage enables you to tune the rendering process. For more info see the documentation.


ArgumentExceptionRaised if the specified url is not a valid local file URL.



Most of the tasks, you need to perform, require saving a document. Once you load the existing file or create an HTML document from scratch, you can save your changes using one of HTMLDocument.Save() methods. The methods allow saving HTML to a local file specified by path, URL, or output storage. Refer to the documentation to learn more about saving.

Save(Url, MarkdownSaveOptions) Method

It is necessary to specify a full Url path for document saving. The Url(url) constructor creates an instance of the Url class with the specified url. The MarkdownSaveOptions() constructor creates an instance of MarkdownSaveOptions class that has a set of properties. For example, you can set Markdown formatting style, use predefined GitLab Flavored Markdown compatible options and configure resources handling. The Save(url, saveOptions) method takes url and save options instances as parameters and saves the document with resources to the local file specified by url.

Source code

You can download the complete examples and data files from GitHub.


import System;
import System.IO;
import com.aspose.html;
import com.aspose.html.Saving;
import (var document = new HTMLDocument(inputHtmlPath))
	HTMLDivElement element = (HTMLDivElement) document.CreateElement("div");
	element.InnerHTML = "Hello from DIV element";
	if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(outputHtmlPath))
		throw new ArgumentException("Non valid path to output result");

	var outputFilePath = Path.Combine(outputHtmlPath, "");
	// Define options class instance
	var options = new MarkdownSaveOptions();
	document.Save(new Url(outputFilePath), options);

*inputHtmlPath - user input html file path.

*outputHtmlPath - user output folder path.

See Also

Save(IOutputStorage, MarkdownSaveOptions)

Saves the document content and resources to the output storage.

public void Save(IOutputStorage outputStorage, MarkdownSaveOptions saveOptions)
outputStorageIOutputStorageCustom implementation of IOutputStorage interface.
saveOptionsMarkdownSaveOptionsMarkdownSaveOptions object usage enables you to tune the rendering process. For more info see the documentation.



Most of the tasks, you need to perform, require saving a document. Once you load the existing file or create an HTML document from scratch, you can save your changes using one of HTMLDocument.Save() methods. The methods allow saving HTML to a local file specified by path, URL, or output storage. Refer to the documentation to learn more about saving.

Save(IOutputStorage, MarkdownSaveOptions) Method

An HTML document can contain different resources like CSS, external images and files. Aspose.HTML provides a way to save HTML with all linked files - the IOutputStorage interface is developed for saving HTML content and resources to streams. The CustomOutputStorageMD(outputHtmlPath) constructor creates an object that is a file system storage. The MarkdownSaveOptions() constructor initializes a save options instance. This instance has a set of MarkdownSaveOptions properties which are used for configuration of resources handling. For example, you can set markdown formatting style, use predefined GitLab Flavored Markdown compatible options and configure resources handling. The Save(outputStorage, saveOptions) method takes outputStorage and options as parameters and saves the document with resources to the output storage.

Source code

You can download the complete examples and data files from GitHub.


import System;
import com.aspose.html;
import com.aspose.html.IO;
import com.aspose.html.Saving;
import (var document = new HTMLDocument(inputHtmlPath))
	// Edit existing document
	HTMLDivElement element = (HTMLDivElement) document.CreateElement("div");
	element.InnerHTML = "Hello from DIV element";
	// Refer to custom IOutputStorage implementation interface
	IOutputStorage outputStorage = new CustomOutputStorageMD(outputHtmlPath);
	var options = new MarkdownSaveOptions();
	// Save modified document
	document.Save(outputStorage, options);

*inputHtmlPath - user input html file path.

*outputHtmlPath - user output folder path.

class CustomOutputStorageMD : IOutputStorage
	private readonly String _outputDirectoryPath;
    private String _resourceDirectoryPath;

    public CustomOutputStorageMD(String outputPath)
      _outputDirectoryPath = Path.GetDirectoryName(outputPath);

    // IOutputStorage method implementation
    public OutputStream CreateStream(OutputStreamContext context)
      var uri = new Uri(context.Uri);
      var uriAbsolutePath = uri.AbsolutePath;
      Console.WriteLine($"Absolute Path: {uriAbsolutePath}");

      String resultPath;

      if (uriAbsolutePath.EndsWith(".html"))
        var fileName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(uriAbsolutePath);
        _resourceDirectoryPath = $"{_outputDirectoryPath}/{fileName}_files/";
        resultPath = Path.Combine(_outputDirectoryPath, fileName + ".md");
        var resourceFileName = Path.GetFileName(uriAbsolutePath);
        resultPath = Path.Combine(_resourceDirectoryPath, resourceFileName);

      if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(_resourceDirectoryPath) == false &amp;&amp; !Directory.Exists(_resourceDirectoryPath))
      Console.WriteLine($"Process: {resultPath}");
      return new OutputStream(System.IO.File.Create(resultPath), resultPath);

    // IOutputStorage method implementation
    public void ReleaseStream(OutputStream stream)

See Also

Save(String, MHTMLSaveOptions)

Saves the document to a local file specified by path. All resources used in this document will be saved into an adjacent folder, whose name will be constructed as: output_file_name + “_files”.

public void Save(String path, MHTMLSaveOptions saveOptions)
pathStringLocal path to output file.
saveOptionsMHTMLSaveOptionsMHTMLSaveOptions object usage enables you to tune the rendering process. For more info see the documentation.


ArgumentExceptionRaised if the specified path is not a valid local file path.



Most of the tasks, you need to perform, require saving a document. Once you load the existing file or create an HTML document from scratch, you can save your changes using one of HTMLDocument.Save() methods. The methods allow saving HTML to a local file specified by path, URL, or output storage. Refer to the documentation to learn more about saving.

Save(String, MHTMLSaveOptions) Method

It is necessary to specify a local file system path to the output file for document saving. The MHTMLSaveOptions() constructor initializes an instance of MHTMLSaveOptions class that has the ResourceHandlingOptions property which is used for configuration of resources handling. The Save(path, saveOptions) method takes a local file system path to output file and a save options instance as parameters and saves HTML as an MHTML document to the local file specified by path.

Source code

You can download the complete examples and data files from GitHub.


import System;
import System.IO;
import com.aspose.html;
import com.aspose.html.Saving;
import (var document = new HTMLDocument(inputHtmlPath))
	HTMLDivElement element = (HTMLDivElement) document.CreateElement("div");
	element.InnerHTML = "Hello from DIV element";
	if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(outputHtmlPath))
		throw new ArgumentException("Non valid path to output result");

	var outputFilePath = Path.Combine(outputHtmlPath, "result.mhtm");
	// Define options class instance
	var options = new MHTMLSaveOptions();
	document.Save(outputFilePath, options);

*inputHtmlPath - user input html file path.

*outputHtmlPath - user output folder path.

See Also

Save(Url, MHTMLSaveOptions)

Saves the document to a local file specified by url. All resources used in this document will be saved into an adjacent folder, whose name will be constructed as: output_file_name + “_files”.

public void Save(Url url, MHTMLSaveOptions saveOptions)
urlUrlLocal URL to output file.
saveOptionsMHTMLSaveOptionsMHTMLSaveOptions object usage enables you to tune the rendering process. For more info see the documentation.


ArgumentExceptionRaised if the specified url is not a valid local file URL.



Most of the tasks, you need to perform, require saving a document. Once you load the existing file or create an HTML document from scratch, you can save your changes using one of HTMLDocument.Save() methods. The methods allow saving HTML to a local file specified by path, URL, or output storage. Refer to the documentation to learn more about saving.

Save(Url, MHTMLSaveOptions) Method

It is necessary to specify a full Url path for document saving. The Url(url) constructor creates an instance of the Url class with the specified url. The MHTMLSaveOptions() constructor initializes an instance of MHTMLSaveOptions class that has the ResourceHandlingOptions property which is used for configuration of resources handling. The Save(url, saveOptions) method takes url and options as parameters and saves HTML as an MHTML document to the local file specified by url.

Source code

You can download the complete examples and data files from GitHub.


import System;
import System.IO;
import com.aspose.html;
import com.aspose.html.Saving;
import (var document = new HTMLDocument(inputHtmlPath))
	HTMLDivElement element = (HTMLDivElement) document.CreateElement("div");
	element.InnerHTML = "Hello from DIV element";
	if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(outputHtmlPath))
		throw new ArgumentException("Non valid path to output result");

	var outputFilePath = Path.Combine(outputHtmlPath, "result.mhtm");
	// Define options class instance
	var options = new MHTMLSaveOptions();
	document.Save(new Url(outputFilePath), options);

*inputHtmlPath - user input file path.

*outputHtmlPath - user output folder path.

See Also

Save(IOutputStorage, MHTMLSaveOptions)

Saves the document content and resources to the output storage.

public void Save(IOutputStorage outputStorage, MHTMLSaveOptions saveOptions)
outputStorageIOutputStorageThe output storage interface implementation.
saveOptionsMHTMLSaveOptionsMHTMLSaveOptions object usage enables you to tune the rendering process. For more info see the documentation.



Most of the tasks, you need to perform, require saving a document. Once you load the existing file or create an HTML document from scratch, you can save your changes using one of HTMLDocument.Save() methods. The methods allow saving HTML to a local file specified by path, URL, or output storage. Refer to the documentation to learn more about saving.

Save(IOutputStorage, MHTMLSaveOptions) Method

Aspose.HTML provides a way to save an HTML document with all linked files - the IOutputStorage interface is developed for saving HTML content and resources to streams. The CustomOutputStorageMhtml(outputHtmlPath) constructor creates an object that is a file system storage. The MHTMLSaveOptions() constructor initializes an instance of MHTMLSaveOptions class that has ResourceHandlingOptions property which is used for configuration of resources handling. The Save(outputStorage, saveOptions) method takes the outputStorage and saveOptions parameters and saves the document with resources to the output storage.

Source code

You can download the complete examples and data files from GitHub.


import System;
import com.aspose.html;
import com.aspose.html.IO;
import com.aspose.html.Saving;
import (var document = new HTMLDocument(inputHtmlPath))
	// Edit existing document
	HTMLDivElement element = (HTMLDivElement) document.CreateElement("div");
	element.InnerHTML = "Hello from DIV element";
	// Refer to custom IOutputStorage implementation interface
	IOutputStorage outputStorage = new CustomOutputStorageMhtml(outputHtmlPath);
	// Define options object instance
	var options = new MHTMLSaveOptions();
	// Save modified document
	document.Save(outputStorage, options);

*inputHtmlPath - user input html file path.

*outputHtmlPath - user output folder path.

public class CustomOutputStorageMhtml : IOutputStorage {
    private readonly String _outputDirectoryPath;
    private String _resourceDirectoryPath;

    public CustomOutputStorageMhtml(String outputPath)
		_outputDirectoryPath = Path.GetDirectoryName(outputPath);

    // IOutputStorage method implementation
    public OutputStream CreateStream(OutputStreamContext context)
		var uri = new Uri(context.Uri);
		var uriAbsolutePath = uri.AbsolutePath;
		Console.WriteLine($"Absolute Path: {uriAbsolutePath}");

		String resultPath;

		if (uriAbsolutePath.EndsWith(".html"))
			var fileName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(uriAbsolutePath);
			_resourceDirectoryPath = $"{_outputDirectoryPath}/{fileName}_files/";
			resultPath = Path.Combine(_outputDirectoryPath, fileName + ".mhtm");
			var resourceFileName = Path.GetFileName(uriAbsolutePath);
			resultPath = Path.Combine(_resourceDirectoryPath, resourceFileName);

		if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(_resourceDirectoryPath) == false &amp;&amp; !Directory.Exists(_resourceDirectoryPath))

		Console.WriteLine($"Process: {resultPath}");
		return new OutputStream(System.IO.File.Create(resultPath), resultPath);

    // IOutputStorage method implementation
    public void ReleaseStream(OutputStream stream)

See Also