arc method

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Adds an arc to the path which is centered at (x, y) position with radius r starting at startAngle and ending at endAngle going in the given direction by anticlockwise (defaulting to clockwise).

def arc(self, x, y, radius, start_angle, end_angle):
xfloatThe x coordinate of the arc’s center.
yfloatThe y coordinate of the arc’s center.
radiusfloatThe arc’s radius.
start_anglefloatThe angle at which the arc starts, measured clockwise from the positive x axis and expressed in radians.
end_anglefloatThe angle at which the arc ends, measured clockwise from the positive x axis and expressed in radians.


Adds an arc to the path which is centered at (x, y) position with radius r starting at startAngle and ending at endAngle going in the given direction by anticlockwise (defaulting to clockwise).

def arc(self, x, y, radius, start_angle, end_angle, counterclockwise):
xfloatThe x coordinate of the arc’s center.
yfloatThe y coordinate of the arc’s center.
radiusfloatThe arc’s radius.
start_anglefloatThe angle at which the arc starts, measured clockwise from the positive x axis and expressed in radians.
end_anglefloatThe angle at which the arc ends, measured clockwise from the positive x axis and expressed in radians.
counterclockwiseboolCauses the arc to be drawn counter-clockwise between the two angles. By default it is drawn clockwise.

See Also