is_point_in_path method


Reports whether or not the specified point is contained in the current path.


Returns true if the point is inside the area contained by the filling of a path, otherwise false.

def is_point_in_path(self, x, y):
xfloatThe X coordinate of the point to check.
yfloatThe Y coordinate of the point to check.


Reports whether or not the specified point is contained in the current path.


Returns true if the point is inside the area contained by the filling of a path, otherwise false.

def is_point_in_path(self, x, y, fill_rule):
xfloatThe X coordinate of the point to check.
yfloatThe Y coordinate of the point to check.
fill_ruleCanvasFillRuleThe algorithm by which to determine if a point is inside a path or outside a path.


Reports whether or not the specified point is contained in the current path.


Returns true if the point is inside the area contained by the filling of a path, otherwise false.

def is_point_in_path(self, path, x, y):
pathPath2DA Path2D path to check.
xfloatThe X coordinate of the point to check.
yfloatThe Y coordinate of the point to check.


Reports whether or not the specified point is contained in the current path.


Returns true if the point is inside the area contained by the filling of a path, otherwise false.

def is_point_in_path(self, path, x, y, fill_rule):
pathPath2DA Path2D path to check.
xfloatThe X coordinate of the point to check.
yfloatThe Y coordinate of the point to check.
fill_ruleCanvasFillRuleThe algorithm by which to determine if a point is inside a path or outside a path.

See Also