The Aspose.Html.Net namespace is presented by classes and interfaces which are responsible for helping easy network processing.


ByteArrayContentRepresents content based on a byte array.
ContentRepresents a base class for an HTTP entity body and content headers.
ContentHeadersContains the headers associated with a content.
FormUrlEncodedContentA container for name/value tuples encoded using application/x-www-form-urlencoded MIME type.
HttpMethodRepresents utility class for retrieving and comparing standard HTTP methods.
INetworkProvides an interface for network services.
INetworkOperationContextProvides contextual information for the network services.
MessageFilterRepresents abstract base class for different classes of filters used to query messages
MessageHandlerRepresents a base type for message handlers.
MessageHandlerCollectionRepresents collection of the MessageHandler.
MultipartContentRepresents a multipart/* content.
MultipartFormDataContentRepresent content for multipart/form-data encoding algorithm
RequestHeadersContains protocol headers associated with a request.
RequestMessageRepresents a request message.
ResponseHeadersContains protocol headers associated with a response.
ResponseMessageRepresents a response message.
StreamContentRepresents content based on a stream.
StringContentRepresents content based on a string.
UrlResolverRepresents utility class for resolving absolute URL by a Uniform Resource Identifier (URI).