
The package contains types [MS-EMF]: Enhanced Metafile Format. 2.3 EMF Records


EmfAbortPathThis record aborts a path bracket or discards the path from a closed path bracket.
EmfAlphaBlendThe EMR_ALPHABLEND record specifies a block transfer of pixels from a source bitmap to a destination rectangle, including alpha transparency data, according to a specified blending operation.
EmfAngleArcThe EMR_ANGLEARC record specifies a line segment of an arc.
EmfArcThe EMR_ARC record specifies an elliptical arc.
EmfArcToThe EMR_ARCTO record specifies an elliptical arc.
EmfBeginPathThis record opens a path bracket in the current playback device context.
EmfBitBltThe EMR_BITBLT record specifies a block transfer of pixels from a source bitmap to a destination rectangle, optionally in combination with a brush pattern, according to a specified raster operation.
EmfBitmapRecordTypeThe bitmap record types perform block transfers of bitmap images.
EmfBlendFunctionA structure that specifies the blending operations for source and destination bitmaps.
EmfBlendFunction.AlphaFormatEnumA structure that specifies how source and destination pixels are interpreted with respect to alpha transparency.
EmfBoundedRecordBase EMF polyshape class.
EmfChordThe EMR_CHORD record specifies a chord, which is a region bounded by the intersection of an ellipse and a line segment, called a secant.
EmfClippingRecordTypeThe clipping record types specify and manage clipping regions.
EmfCloseFigureThis record closes an open figure in a path.
EmfColorCorrectPaletteThe EMR_COLORCORRECTPALETTE record specifies how to correct the entries of a logical palette object using WCS 1.0 values.
EmfColorMatchToTargetWThe EMR_COLORMATCHTOTargetW record specifies whether to perform color matching with a color profile that is specified in a file with a name consisting of Unicode characters.
EmfCommentThe EMR_COMMENT record contains arbitrary private data.
EmfCommentBeginGroupThe EMR_COMMENT_BEGINGROUP record specifies the beginning of a group of drawing records.
EmfCommentEmfPlusThe EMR_COMMENT_EMFPLUS record contains embedded EMF+ records.
EmfCommentEmfSpoolThe EMR_COMMENT_EMFSPOOL record contains embedded EMFSPOOL records.
EmfCommentEmfSpool.EmfSpoolRecordIdentifierEnumIdentifies the type of EMR_COMMENT_EMFSPOOL record
EmfCommentEndGroupThe EMR_COMMENT_ENDGROUP record specifies the end of a group of drawing records.
EmfCommentMultiFormatsThe EMR_COMMENT_MULTIFORMATS record specifies an image in multiple graphics formats.
EmfCommentPublicRecordTypeThe EMR_COMMENT_PUBLIC record types specify extensions to EMF processing.
EmfCommentRecordTypeThe comment record types define formats for specifying arbitrary private data, embedding records in other metafile formats, and adding new or special-purpose commands.
EmfCommentRecordType.CommentIdentifierEnumValid comment identifier values.
EmfCommentWindowsMetaFileThe EMR_COMMENT_WINDOWS_METAFILE record specifies an image in an embedded WMF metafile.
EmfControlRecordTypeThe control record types define the start and end of an EMF metafile and properties of the metafile.
EmfCreateBrushIndirectThe EMR_CREATEBRUSHINDIRECT record defines a logical brush for graphics operations.
EmfCreateColorSpaceThe EMR_CREATECOLORSPACE record creates a logical color space object from a color profile with a name consisting of ASCII characters.
EmfCreateColorSpaceWThe EMR_CREATECOLORSPACEW record creates a logical color space object from a color profile with a name consisting of Unicode characters.
EmfCreateDibPatternBrushPtThe EMR_CREATEDIBPATTERNBRUSHPT record defines a pattern brush for graphics operations.
EmfCreateMonoBrushThe EMR_CREATEMONOBRUSH record defines a monochrome pattern brush for graphics operations.
EmfCreatePaletteThe EMR_CREATEPALETTE record defines a logical palette for graphics operations.
EmfCreatePenThe EMR_CREATEPEN record defines a logical pen for graphics operations.
EmfDeleteColorSpaceThe EMR_DELETECOLORSPACE record deletes a logical color space object.
EmfDeleteObjectThe EMR_DELETEOBJECT record deletes a graphics object, which is specified by its index in the EMF Object Table(section
EmfDrawEscapeThe EMR_DRAWESCAPE record passes arbitrary information to a printer driver.
EmfDrawingRecordTypeThe drawing record types perform graphics drawing.
EmfEllipseThe EMR_ELLIPSE record specifies an ellipse.
EmfEndPathThis record closes a path bracket and selects the path defined by the bracket into the playback device context.
EmfEofThe EMR_EOF record indicates the end of the metafile and specifies a palette.
EmfEscapeRecordTypeThe escape record types execute printer driver functions.
EmfExcludeClipRectThe EMR_EXCLUDECLIPRECT record specifies a new clipping region that consists of the existing clipping region minus the specified rectangle.
EmfExtCreateFontIndirectWThe EMR_EXTCREATEFONTINDIRECTW record defines a logical font for graphics operations.
EmfExtCreatePenThe EMR_EXTCREATEPEN record defines an extended logical pen for graphics operations.
EmfExtEscapeThe EMR_EXTESCAPE record passes arbitrary information to a printer driver.
EmfExtFloodFillThe EMR_EXTFLOODFILL record fills an area of the display surface with the current brush
EmfExtSelectClipRgnThe EMR_EXTSELECTCLIPRGN record combines the specified region with the current clip region using the specified mode.
EmfExtTextOutAThe EMR_EXTTEXTOUTA record draws an ASCII text string using the current font and text colors.
EmfExtTextOutWThe EMR_EXTTEXTOUTW record draws an ASCII text string using the current font and text colors.
EmfFillPathThe EMR_FILLPATH record closes any open figures in the current path and fills the path’s interior by using the current brush and polygon-filling mode.
EmfFillRgnThe EMR_FILLRGN record fills the specified region by using the specified brush.
EmfFlatternPathThis record transforms any curves in the selected path into the playback device context; each curve MUST be turned into a sequence of lines.
EmfForceUfiMappingThe EMR_FORCEUFIMAPPING record forces the font mapper to match fonts based on their UniversalFontId in preference to their LogFont (section 2.2.13) information.
EmfFrameRgnThe EMR_FRAMERGN record draws a border around the specified region using the specified brush.
EmfGlsBoundedRecordThe EMR_GLSBOUNDEDRECORD record specifies an OpenGL function with a bounding rectangle for output.
EmfGlsRecordThe EMR_GLSRECORD record specifies an OpenGL function.
EmfGradientFillThe EMR_GRADIENTFILL record specifies filling rectangles or triangles with gradients of color.
EmfIntersectClipRectThe EMR_INTERSECTCLIPRECT record specifies a new clipping region from the intersection of the current clipping region and the specified rectangle.
EmfInvertRgnThe EMR_INVERTRGN record inverts the colors in the specified region.
EmfLineToThe EMR_LINETO record specifies a line from the current position up to, but not including, the specified point.It resets the current position to the specified point.
EmfMaskBltThe EMR_MASKBLT record specifies a block transfer of pixels from a source bitmap to a destination rectangle, optionally in combination with a brush pattern and with the application of a color mask bitmap, according to specified foreground and background raster operations.
EmfMetafileHeaderThe EMR_HEADER record types define the starting points of EMF metafiles and specify properties of the device on which the image in the metafile was created.
EmfMetafileHeaderExtension1The EmfMetafileHeaderExtension1 record is the header record used in the first extension to EMF metafiles.
EmfMetafileHeaderExtension2The EmfMetafileHeaderExtension2 record is the header record used in the second extension to EMF metafiles.
EmfModifyWorldTransformThe EMR_MODIFYWORLDTRANSFORM record modifies the current world-space to page-space transform in the playback device context.
EmfMoveToExThe EMR_MOVETOEX record specifies coordinates of the new current position, in logical units.
EmfNamedEscapeThe MR_NAMEDESCAPE record passes arbitrary information to a specified printer driver.
EmfObjectCreationRecordTypeThe object creation record types create graphics objects.
EmfObjectManipulationRecordTypeThe object manipulation record types manage and modify graphics objects.
EmfOffsetClipRgnThe EMR_OFFSETCLIPRGN record moves the current clipping region in the playback device context by the specified offsets.
EmfOpenGlRecordTypeThe OpenGL record types specify OpenGL functions.
EmfPaintRgnThe EMR_PAINTRGN record paints the specified region by using the brush currently selected into the playback device context.
EmfPathBracketRecordTypeThe path bracket record types specify and manipulate paths in path brackets.
EmfPieThe EMR_PIE record specifies a pie-shaped wedge bounded by the intersection of an ellipse and two radials.
EmfPixelFormatThe EMR_PIXELFORMAT record specifies the pixel format to use for graphics operations.
EmfPlgBltThe EMR_PLGBLT record specifies a block transfer of pixels from a source bitmap to a destination parallelogram, with the application of a color mask bitmap.
EmfPolyBezierThe EMR_POLYBEZIER record specifies one or more Bezier curves.
EmfPolyBezier16The EMR_POLYBEZIER16 record specifies one or more Bezier curves.
EmfPolyBezierToThe EMR_POLYBEZIERTO record specifies one or more Bezier curves based upon the current position.
EmfPolyBezierTo16The EMR_POLYBEZIERTO16 record specifies one or more Bezier curves based on the current position.
EmfPolyDrawThe EMR_POLYDRAW record specifies a set of line segments and Bezier curves.
EmfPolyDraw16The EMR_POLYDRAW16 record specifies a set of line segments and Bezier curves.
EmfPolyPolyShapebase EMF poly polyshape class.
EmfPolyPolygonThe EMR_POLYPOLYGON record specifies a series of closed polygons.
EmfPolyPolygon16The EMR_POLYPOLYGON16 record specifies a series of closed polygons.
EmfPolyPolylineThe EMR_POLYPOLYLINE record specifies multiple series of connected line segments.
EmfPolyPolyline16The EMR_POLYPOLYLINE16 record specifies multiple series of connected line segments.
EmfPolyShapeBase EMF poly shape class.
EmfPolyTextOutAThe EMR_POLYTEXTOUTA record draws one or more ASCII text strings using the current font and text colors.
EmfPolyTextOutWThe EMR_POLYTEXTOUTW record draws one or more Unicode text strings using the current font and text colors.
EmfPolygonThe EMR_POLYGON record specifies a polygon consisting of two or more vertexes connected by straight lines.
EmfPolygon16The EMR_POLYGON16 record specifies a polygon consisting of two or more vertexes connected by straight lines.
EmfPolylineThe EMR_POLYLINE record specifies a series of line segments by connecting the points in the specified array.
EmfPolyline16The EMR_POLYLINE16 record specifies a series of line segments by connecting the points in the specified array.
EmfPolylineToThe EMR_POLYLINETO record specifies one or more straight lines based upon the current position.
EmfPolylineTo16The EMR_POLYLINETO16 record specifies one or more straight lines based upon the current position.
EmfRealizePaletteThis record maps palette entries from the current LogPalette object (section 2.2.17) to the system_palette.
EmfRecordBase class for EMF records All EMF records MUST have a length that is a multiple of 4 bytes.
EmfRectangleThe EMR_RECTANGLE record draws a rectangle.
EmfResizePaletteThe EMR_RESIZEPALETTE record increases or decreases the size of an existing LogPalette object (section 2.2.17).
EmfRestoreDcThe EMR_RESTOREDC record restores the playback device context to the specified state.
EmfRop4A quaternary raster operation, which specifies ternary raster operations for the foreground and background colors of a bitmap.
EmfRoundRectThe EMR_ROUNDRECT record specifies a rectangle with rounded corners.
EmfSaveDcSaves the current state of playback device context on a stack of states saved by preceding EMR_SAVEDC records, if any.
EmfScaleViewportExtexThe EMR_SCALEVIEWPORTEXTEX record respecifies the viewport for a device context by using the ratios formed by the specified multiplicands and divisors.
EmfScaleWindowExtexThe EMR_SCALEWINDOWEXTEX record respecifies the window for a playback device context by using the ratios formed by the specified multiplicands and divisors.
EmfSelectClipPathThe EMR_SELECTCLIPPATH record specifies the current path as a clipping region for a playback device context, combining the new region with any existing clipping region using the specified mode.
EmfSelectObjectThe EMR_SELECTOBJECT record adds a graphics object to the current metafile playback device context.
EmfSelectPaletteThe EMR_SELECTPALETTE record specifies a logical palette for the playback device context.
EmfSetArcDirectionThe EMR_SETARCDIRECTION record specifies the drawing direction to be used for arc and rectangle output.
EmfSetBkColorThe EMR_SETBKCOLOR record specifies the background color.
EmfSetBkModeThe EMR_SETBKMODE record specifies the background mix mode of the playback device context.
EmfSetBrushOrgExThe EMR_SETBRUSHORGEX record specifies the origin of the current brush.
EmfSetColorAdjustmentThe EMR_SETCOLORADJUSTMENT record specifies color adjustment properties in the playback device context.
EmfSetColorSpaceThe EMR_SETCOLORSPACE record defines the current logical color space object for graphics operations.
EmfSetDiBitsToDeviceThe EMR_SETDIBITSTODEVICE record specifies a block transfer of pixels from specified scan lines of a source bitmap to a destination rectangle.
EmfSetIcmModeThe EMR_SETICMMODE record specifies the mode of Image Color Management (ICM) for graphics operations.
EmfSetIcmProfileAThe EMR_SETICMPROFILEA record specifies a color profile in a file with a name consisting of ASCII characters, for graphics output.
EmfSetIcmProfileWThe EMR_SETICMPROFILEW record specifies a color profile in a file with a name consisting of Unicode characters, for graphics output.
EmfSetLayoutThe EMR_SETLAYOUT record specifies the order in which text and graphics are drawn.
EmfSetLayout.LayoutModeEnumA 32-bit unsigned integer that specifies the layout mode
EmfSetLinkedUfisThe EMR_SETLINKEDUFIS record sets the UniversalFontIds (section 2.2.27) of the linked fonts to use during character lookup.
EmfSetMapModeThe EMR_SETMAPMODE record specifies the mapping mode of the playback device context.
EmfSetMapperFlagsThe EMR_SETMAPPERFLAGS record specifies parameters of the process of matching logical fonts to physical fonts, which is performed by the font mapper.
EmfSetMetaRgnInter sets the current meta region with the current clipping region to form a new meta region for the playback device context.
EmfSetMiterLimitThe EMR_SETMITERLIMIT record specifies the limit for the length of miter joins for the playback device context.
EmfSetPaletteEntriesThe EMR_SETPALETTEENTRIES record defines RGB color values in a range of entries for an existing LogPalette (section 2.2.17) object.
EmfSetPixelVThe EMR_SETPIXELV record defines the color of the pixel at the specified logical coordinates.
EmfSetPolyFillModeThe EMR_SETPOLYFILLMODE record defines polygon fill mode.
EmfSetRop2The EMR_SETROP2 record defines a binary raster operation mode.
EmfSetStrechBltModeThe EMR_SETSTRETCHBLTMODE record specifies bitmap stretch mode.
EmfSetTextAlignThe EMR_SETTEXTALIGN record specifies text alignment.
EmfSetTextColorThe EMR_SETTEXTCOLOR record defines the current text color.
EmfSetTextJustificationThe EMR_SETTEXTJUSTIFICATION record specifies the amount of extra space to add to break characters for text justification.
EmfSetViewportExtExThe EMR_SETVIEWPORTEXTEX record defines the viewport extent.
EmfSetViewportOrgExThe EMR_SETVIEWPORTORGEX record defines the viewport origin.
EmfSetWindowExtExThe EMR_SETWINDOWEXTEX record defines the window extent.
EmfSetWindowOrgExThe EMR_SETWINDOWORGEX record defines the window origin.
EmfSetWorldTransformThe EMR_SETWORLDTRANSFORM record specifies a transform for the current world-space to page space transform in the playback device context.
EmfSmallTextOutThe EMR_SMALLTEXTOUT record outputs a string.
EmfStateRecordTypeThe state record types specify and manage graphics properties that define the state of the playback device context.
EmfStretchBltThe EMR_STRETCHBLT record specifies a block transfer of pixels from a source bitmap to a destination rectangle, optionally in combination with a brush pattern, according to a specified raster operation, stretching or compressing the output to fit the dimensions of the destination, if necessary.
EmfStretchDiBitsThe EMR_STRETCHDIBITS record specifies a block transfer of pixels from a source bitmap to a destination rectangle, optionally in combination with a brush pattern, according to a specified raster operation, stretching or compressing the output to fit the dimensions of the destination, if necessary.
EmfStrokeAndFillPathThe EMR_STROKEANDFILLPATH record closes any open figures in a path, strokes the outline of the path by using the current pen, and fills its interior by using the current brush.
EmfStrokePathEMR_STROKEPATH class
EmfTransformRecordTypeThe transform record types specify and modify world-space to page-space transforms.
EmfTransparentBltThe EMR_TRANSPARENTBLT record specifies a block transfer of pixels from a source bitmap to a destination rectangle, treating a specified color as transparent, stretching or compressing the output to fit the dimensions of the destination, if necessary
EmfVertexDataObjects that specify the vertexes of either rectangles or triangles and the colors that correspond to them.
EmfWidenPathThis record redefines the current path as the area that would be painted if the path were drawn using the pen currently selected into the playback device context.