
Inheritance: java.lang.Object, com.aspose.imaging.fileformats.emf.MetaObject, com.aspose.imaging.fileformats.emf.emfplus.objects.EmfPlusObject, com.aspose.imaging.fileformats.emf.emfplus.objects.EmfPlusImageEffectsObjectType

public final class EmfPlusHueSaturationLightnessEffect extends EmfPlusImageEffectsObjectType

The HueSaturationLightnessEffect object specifies adjustments to the hue, saturation, and lightness of an image.




getHueLevel()Gets or sets the Specifies the adjustment to the hue.
setHueLevel(int value)Gets or sets the Specifies the adjustment to the hue.
getSaturationLevel()Gets or sets the Specifies the adjustment to the saturation.
setSaturationLevel(int value)Gets or sets the Specifies the adjustment to the saturation.
getLightnessLevel()Gets or sets the Specifies the adjustment to the lightness.
setLightnessLevel(int value)Gets or sets the Specifies the adjustment to the lightness.


public EmfPlusHueSaturationLightnessEffect()


public int getHueLevel()

Gets or sets the Specifies the adjustment to the hue. -180 \u2264 value < 0 Negative values specify clockwise rotation on the color wheel. 0 A value of 0 specifies that the hue MUST NOT change. 0 < value \u2264 180 Positive values specify counter-clockwise rotation on the color wheel.

Value: The hue level.

Returns: int

setHueLevel(int value)

public void setHueLevel(int value)

Gets or sets the Specifies the adjustment to the hue. -180 \u2264 value < 0 Negative values specify clockwise rotation on the color wheel. 0 A value of 0 specifies that the hue MUST NOT change. 0 < value \u2264 180 Positive values specify counter-clockwise rotation on the color wheel.

Value: The hue level.




public int getSaturationLevel()

Gets or sets the Specifies the adjustment to the saturation. -100 \u2264 value < 0 Negative values specify decreasing saturation. 0 A value of 0 specifies that the saturation MUST NOT change. 0 < value \u2264 100 Positive values specify increasing saturation.

Value: The saturation level.

Returns: int

setSaturationLevel(int value)

public void setSaturationLevel(int value)

Gets or sets the Specifies the adjustment to the saturation. -100 \u2264 value < 0 Negative values specify decreasing saturation. 0 A value of 0 specifies that the saturation MUST NOT change. 0 < value \u2264 100 Positive values specify increasing saturation.

Value: The saturation level.




public int getLightnessLevel()

Gets or sets the Specifies the adjustment to the lightness. -100 \u2264 value < 0 Negative values specify decreasing lightness. 0 A value of 0 specifies that the lightness MUST NOT change. 0 < value \u2264 100 Positive values specify increasing lightness.

Value: The lightness level.

Returns: int

setLightnessLevel(int value)

public void setLightnessLevel(int value)

Gets or sets the Specifies the adjustment to the lightness. -100 \u2264 value < 0 Negative values specify decreasing lightness. 0 A value of 0 specifies that the lightness MUST NOT change. 0 < value \u2264 100 Positive values specify increasing lightness.

Value: The lightness level.

