The package contains types [MS-EMFPLUS]: Enhanced Metafile Format Plus Extensions 2.3 EMF+ Records
Class | Description |
EmfPlusBeginContainer | The EmfPlusBeginContainer record opens a new graphics state container and specifies a transform for it. |
EmfPlusBeginContainerNoParams | The EmfPlusBeginContainerNoParams record opens a new graphics state container. |
EmfPlusClear | The EmfPlusClear record clears the output coordinate space and initializes it with a background color and transparency |
EmfPlusClippingRecordType | The clipping record types specify clipping regions and operations. |
EmfPlusComment | The EmfPlusComment record specifies arbitrary private data. |
EmfPlusControlRecordType | The control record types specify global parameters for EMF+ metafile processing. |
EmfPlusDrawArc | The EmfPlusDrawArc record specifies drawing the arc of an ellipse. |
EmfPlusDrawBeziers | The EmfPlusDrawBeziers record specifies drawing a sequence of connected Bezier curves. |
EmfPlusDrawClosedCurve | The EmfPlusDrawClosedCurve record specifies drawing a closed cardinal spline |
EmfPlusDrawCurve | The EmfPlusDrawCurve record specifies drawing a cardinal spline NOTE: ObjectID (1 byte): The index of an EmfPlusPen object (section in the EMF+ Object Table to draw the curve. |
EmfPlusDrawDriverString | The EmfPlusDrawDriverString record specifies text output with character positions. |
EmfPlusDrawEllipse | The EmfPlusDrawEllipse record specifies drawing an ellipse. |
EmfPlusDrawImage | The EmfPlusDrawImage record specifies drawing a scaled image. |
EmfPlusDrawImagePoints | The EmfPlusDrawImagePoints record specifies drawing a scaled image inside a parallelogram. |
EmfPlusDrawLines | The EmfPlusDrawlLines record specifies drawing a series of connected lines |
EmfPlusDrawPath | The EmfPlusDrawPath record specifies drawing a graphics path. |
EmfPlusDrawPie | The EmfPlusDrawPie record specifies drawing a section of the interior of an ellipse. |
EmfPlusDrawRects | The EmfPlusDrawRects record specifies drawing a series of rectangles |
EmfPlusDrawString | The EmfPlusDrawString record specifies text output with string formatting |
EmfPlusDrawingRecordType | The drawing record types specify graphics output. |
EmfPlusEndContainer | The EmfPlusEndContainer record closes a graphics state container that was previously opened by a begin container operation. |
EmfPlusEndOfFile | The EmfPlusEndOfFile record specifies the end of EMF+ data in the metafile. |
EmfPlusFillClosedCurve | The EmfPlusFillClosedCurve record specifies filling the interior of a closed cardinal spline |
EmfPlusFillEllipse | The EmfPlusFillEllipse record specifies filling the interior of an ellipse |
EmfPlusFillPath | Fill path record FLAGS: 16-bit unsigned integer that provides information about how the operation is to be performed, and about the structure of the record. |
EmfPlusFillPie | The EmfPlusFillPie record specifies filling a section of the interior of an ellipse |
EmfPlusFillPolygon | The EmfPlusFillPolygon record specifies filling the interior of a polygon. |
EmfPlusFillRects | The EmfPlusFillRects record specifies filling the interiors of a series of rectangles |
EmfPlusFillRegion | The EmfPlusFillRegion record specifies filling the interior of a graphics region |
EmfPlusGetDc | The EmfPlusGetDC record specifies that subsequent EMF records encountered in the metafile SHOULD be processed. |
EmfPlusHeader | The EmfPlusHeader record specifies the start of EMF+ data in the metafile. |
EmfPlusMultiplyWorldTransform | The EmfPlusMultiplyWorldTransform record multiplies the current world space transform by a specified transform matrix. |
EmfPlusObject | The EmfPlusObject record specifies an object for use in graphics operations. |
EmfPlusObjectRecordType | The Object Record Types define reusable graphics objects. |
EmfPlusOffsetClip | The EmfPlusOffsetClip record applies a translation transform on the current clipping region for the world space. |
EmfPlusPropertyRecordType | The Property Record Types specify properties of the playback device context. |
EmfPlusRecord | The Emf+ base record type. |
EmfPlusResetClip | The EmfPlusResetClip record resets the current clipping region for the world space to infinity. |
EmfPlusResetWorldTransform | The EmfPlusResetWorldTransform record resets the current world space transform to the identify matrix. |
EmfPlusRestore | The EmfPlusRestore record restores the graphics state, identified by a specified index, from a stack of saved graphics states. |
EmfPlusRotateWorldTransform | The EmfPlusRotateWorldTransform record performs a rotation on the current world space transform. |
EmfPlusSave | The EmfPlusSave record saves the graphics state, identified by a specified index, on a stack of saved graphics states. |
EmfPlusScaleWorldTransform | The EmfPlusScaleWorldTransform record performs a scaling on the current world space transform. |
EmfPlusSerializableObject | The EmfPlusSerializableObject record defines an image effects parameter block that has been serialized into a data buffer. |
EmfPlusSetAntiAliasMode | The EmfPlusSetAntiAliasMode record specifies the anti-aliasing mode for text output. |
EmfPlusSetClipPath | The EmfPlusSetClipPath record combines the current clipping region with a graphics path. |
EmfPlusSetClipRect | The EmfPlusSetClipRect record combines the current clipping region with a rectangle. |
EmfPlusSetClipRegion | The EmfPlusSetClipRegion record combines the current clipping region with another graphics region. |
EmfPlusSetCompositingMode | The EmfPlusSetCompositingMode record specifies how source colors are combined with background colors. |
EmfPlusSetCompositingQuality | The EmfPlusSetCompositingQuality record specifies the desired level of quality for creating composite images from multiple objects. |
EmfPlusSetInterpolationMode | The EmfPlusSetInterpolationMode record specifies how image scaling, including stretching and shrinking, is performed. |
EmfPlusSetPageTransform | The EmfPlusSetPageTransform record specifies scaling factors and units for converting page space coordinates to device space coordinates. |
EmfPlusSetPixelOffsetMode | The EmfPlusSetPixelOffsetMode record specifies how pixels are centered with respect to the coordinates of the drawing surface. |
EmfPlusSetRenderingOrigin | The EmfPlusSetRenderingOrigin record specifies the rendering origin for graphics output. |
EmfPlusSetTextContrast | The EmfPlusSetTextContrast record specifies text contrast according to the gamma correction value. |
EmfPlusSetTextRenderingHint | The EmfPlusSetTextRenderingHint record specifies the quality of text rendering, including the type of anti-aliasing. |
EmfPlusSetTsClip | The EmfPlusSetTSClip record specifies clipping areas in the graphics device context for a terminal server. |
EmfPlusSetTsGraphics | The EmfPlusSetTSGraphics record specifies the state of a graphics device context for a terminal server. |
EmfPlusSetWorldTransform | The EmfPlusSetWorldTransform record sets the world transform according to the values in a specified transform matrix. |
EmfPlusStateRecordType | The State Record Types specify operations on the state of the playback device context. |
EmfPlusTerminalServerRecordType | The Terminal Server Record Types specify graphics processing on a terminal server. |
EmfPlusTransformRecordType | The Transform Record Types specify properties and transforms on coordinate spaces. |
EmfPlusTranslateWorldTransform | The EmfPlusTranslateWorldTransform record performs a translation on the current world space transform. |