
Inheritance: java.lang.Object, com.aspose.imaging.fileformats.emf.MetaObject, com.aspose.imaging.fileformats.emf.emfplus.records.EmfPlusRecord, com.aspose.imaging.fileformats.emf.emfplus.records.EmfPlusDrawingRecordType

public final class EmfPlusFillPie extends EmfPlusDrawingRecordType

The EmfPlusFillPie record specifies filling a section of the interior of an ellipse


EmfPlusFillPie(EmfPlusRecord source)Initializes a new instance of the EmfPlusFillPie class.


getCompressed()Gets or sets a value indicating whether the PointData is compressed.
setCompressed(boolean value)Gets or sets a value indicating whether the PointData is compressed.
isColor()Gets or sets a value indicating whether this instance is color.
setColor(boolean value)Gets or sets a value indicating whether this instance is color.
getStartAngle()Gets or sets the start angle A 32-bit, non-negative floating-point value that specifies the angle between the x-axis and the starting point of the pie wedge.
setStartAngle(float value)Gets or sets the start angle A 32-bit, non-negative floating-point value that specifies the angle between the x-axis and the starting point of the pie wedge.
getSweepAngle()Gets or sets the sweep angle A 32-bit floating-point value that specifies the extent of the arc that defines the pie wedge to draw, as an angle in degrees measured from the starting point defined by the StartAngle value.
setSweepAngle(float value)Gets or sets the sweep angle A 32-bit floating-point value that specifies the extent of the arc that defines the pie wedge to draw, as an angle in degrees measured from the starting point defined by the StartAngle value.
getRectData()Gets or sets the rectangle datas Either an EmfPlusRect or EmfPlusRectF object that defines the bounding box of the ellipse that contains the pie wedge.
setRectData(RectangleF value)Gets or sets the rectangle datas Either an EmfPlusRect or EmfPlusRectF object that defines the bounding box of the ellipse that contains the pie wedge.
getBrushId()Gets or sets the brush identifier A 32-bit unsigned integer that defines the brush, the content of which is determined by the S bit in the Flags field.
setBrushId(int value)Gets or sets the brush identifier A 32-bit unsigned integer that defines the brush, the content of which is determined by the S bit in the Flags field.

EmfPlusFillPie(EmfPlusRecord source)

public EmfPlusFillPie(EmfPlusRecord source)

Initializes a new instance of the EmfPlusFillPie class.


sourceEmfPlusRecordThe source.


public boolean getCompressed()

Gets or sets a value indicating whether the PointData is compressed. If set, RectData contains an EmfPlusRect object (section If clear, RectData contains an EmfPlusRectF object (section

Value: true if compressed; otherwise, false.

Returns: boolean

setCompressed(boolean value)

public void setCompressed(boolean value)

Gets or sets a value indicating whether the PointData is compressed. If set, RectData contains an EmfPlusRect object (section If clear, RectData contains an EmfPlusRectF object (section

Value: true if compressed; otherwise, false.




public boolean isColor()

Gets or sets a value indicating whether this instance is color. If set, BrushId specifies a color as an EmfPlusARGB object (section If clear, BrushId contains the index of an EmfPlusBrush object (section in the EMF+ Object Table.

Value: true if this instance is color; otherwise, false.

Returns: boolean

setColor(boolean value)

public void setColor(boolean value)

Gets or sets a value indicating whether this instance is color. If set, BrushId specifies a color as an EmfPlusARGB object (section If clear, BrushId contains the index of an EmfPlusBrush object (section in the EMF+ Object Table.

Value: true if this instance is color; otherwise, false.




public float getStartAngle()

Gets or sets the start angle A 32-bit, non-negative floating-point value that specifies the angle between the x-axis and the starting point of the pie wedge. Any value is acceptable, but it MUST be interpreted modulo 360, with the result that is used being in the range 0.0 inclusive to 360.0 exclusive.

Returns: float

setStartAngle(float value)

public void setStartAngle(float value)

Gets or sets the start angle A 32-bit, non-negative floating-point value that specifies the angle between the x-axis and the starting point of the pie wedge. Any value is acceptable, but it MUST be interpreted modulo 360, with the result that is used being in the range 0.0 inclusive to 360.0 exclusive.




public float getSweepAngle()

Gets or sets the sweep angle A 32-bit floating-point value that specifies the extent of the arc that defines the pie wedge to draw, as an angle in degrees measured from the starting point defined by the StartAngle value. Any value is acceptable, but it MUST be clamped to -360.0 to 360.0 inclusive. A positive value indicates that the sweep is defined in a clockwise direction, and a negative value indicates that the sweep is defined in a counter-clockwise direction.

Returns: float

setSweepAngle(float value)

public void setSweepAngle(float value)

Gets or sets the sweep angle A 32-bit floating-point value that specifies the extent of the arc that defines the pie wedge to draw, as an angle in degrees measured from the starting point defined by the StartAngle value. Any value is acceptable, but it MUST be clamped to -360.0 to 360.0 inclusive. A positive value indicates that the sweep is defined in a clockwise direction, and a negative value indicates that the sweep is defined in a counter-clockwise direction.




public RectangleF getRectData()

Gets or sets the rectangle datas Either an EmfPlusRect or EmfPlusRectF object that defines the bounding box of the ellipse that contains the pie wedge. This rectangle defines the position, size, and shape of the pie. The type of object in this field is specified by the value of the Flags field.

Returns: RectangleF

setRectData(RectangleF value)

public void setRectData(RectangleF value)

Gets or sets the rectangle datas Either an EmfPlusRect or EmfPlusRectF object that defines the bounding box of the ellipse that contains the pie wedge. This rectangle defines the position, size, and shape of the pie. The type of object in this field is specified by the value of the Flags field.




public int getBrushId()

Gets or sets the brush identifier A 32-bit unsigned integer that defines the brush, the content of which is determined by the S bit in the Flags field.

Returns: int

setBrushId(int value)

public void setBrushId(int value)

Gets or sets the brush identifier A 32-bit unsigned integer that defines the brush, the content of which is determined by the S bit in the Flags field.

