
Inheritance: java.lang.Object, com.aspose.imaging.fileformats.emf.graphics.MetafileRecorderGraphics2D

public final class EmfRecorderGraphics2D extends MetafileRecorderGraphics2D

The Emf recorder graphics


EmfRecorderGraphics2D(Rectangle frame, Size deviceSize, Size deviceSizeMm)Initializes a new instance of the EmfRecorderGraphics2D class.


getBackgroundMode()Gets or sets the background mode.
setBackgroundMode(int value)Gets or sets the background mode.
endRecording()Ends the recording.
fromEmfImage(EmfImage emfImage)Gets an instance of the EmfRecorderGraphics2D containing all records from the Emf image.

Example: This example shows how to create a EMF image and draw some geometric shapes on it using EmfRecorderGraphics2D.

String dir = "c:\\temp\\";

// The image size in pixels
int deviceWidth = 600;
int deviceHeight = 400;

// The image size in millimeters
int deviceWidthMm = (int) (deviceWidth / 100f);
int deviceHeightMm = (int) (deviceHeight / 100f);

com.aspose.imaging.Rectangle frame = new com.aspose.imaging.Rectangle(0, 0, deviceWidth, deviceHeight);

// Create a EMF image.
com.aspose.imaging.fileformats.emf.graphics.EmfRecorderGraphics2D graphics =
        new com.aspose.imaging.fileformats.emf.graphics.EmfRecorderGraphics2D(
                new com.aspose.imaging.Size(deviceWidth, deviceHeight),
                new com.aspose.imaging.Size(deviceWidthMm, deviceHeightMm));

// Draw a black rectangle along the image borders using a 1-pixel-wide black pen.
graphics.drawRectangle(new com.aspose.imaging.Pen(com.aspose.imaging.Color.getBlack(), 1), 0, 0, deviceWidth, deviceHeight);

// Fill a rectangle with the color of white-smoke.
        new com.aspose.imaging.brushes.SolidBrush(com.aspose.imaging.Color.getWhiteSmoke()),
        new com.aspose.imaging.Rectangle(10, 10, 580, 380));

// Draw two diagonal lines using a 1-pixel-wide darkgreen pen.
graphics.drawLine(new com.aspose.imaging.Pen(com.aspose.imaging.Color.getDarkGreen(), 1), 0, 0, deviceWidth, deviceHeight);
graphics.drawLine(new com.aspose.imaging.Pen(com.aspose.imaging.Color.getDarkGreen(), 1), 0, deviceHeight, deviceWidth, 0);

// Draw an arc within the rectangle {0, 0, 200, 200} using a 2-pixel-wide blue pen.
graphics.drawArc(new com.aspose.imaging.Pen(com.aspose.imaging.Color.getBlue(), 2), new com.aspose.imaging.Rectangle(0, 0, 200, 200), 90, 270);

// Fill an arc
        new com.aspose.imaging.brushes.SolidBrush(com.aspose.imaging.Color.getLightSkyBlue()),
        new com.aspose.imaging.Rectangle(0, 0, 150, 150), 90, 270);

// Draw a cubic bezier using a 2-pixel-wide red pen.
graphics.drawCubicBezier(new com.aspose.imaging.Pen(com.aspose.imaging.Color.getRed(), 2),
        new com.aspose.imaging.Point(0, 0),
        new com.aspose.imaging.Point(200, 133),
        new com.aspose.imaging.Point(400, 166),
        new com.aspose.imaging.Point(600, 400));

// Draw a raster image of the specified size at the specified location.
// The image is scaled to fit the desired rectangle.
com.aspose.imaging.RasterImage imageToDraw = (com.aspose.imaging.RasterImage) com.aspose.imaging.Image.load(dir + "sample.bmp");
try {
            new com.aspose.imaging.Rectangle(400, 200, 100, 50),
            new com.aspose.imaging.Rectangle(0, 0, deviceWidth, deviceHeight),
} finally {

// Draw a text string
graphics.drawString("Hello World!",
        new com.aspose.imaging.Font("Arial", 48, com.aspose.imaging.FontStyle.Regular),
        com.aspose.imaging.Color.getDarkRed(), 200, 300);

// Create a path to fill
com.aspose.imaging.Figure figureToFill = new com.aspose.imaging.Figure();

com.aspose.imaging.GraphicsPath pathToFill = new com.aspose.imaging.GraphicsPath();

figureToFill.addShapes(new com.aspose.imaging.Shape[]
                new com.aspose.imaging.shapes.ArcShape(new com.aspose.imaging.RectangleF(400, 0, 200, 100), 45, 300),
                new com.aspose.imaging.shapes.BezierShape(
                        new com.aspose.imaging.PointF[]
                                        new com.aspose.imaging.PointF(300, 200),
                                        new com.aspose.imaging.PointF(400, 200),
                                        new com.aspose.imaging.PointF(500, 100),
                                        new com.aspose.imaging.PointF(600, 200),
                new com.aspose.imaging.shapes.PolygonShape(
                        new com.aspose.imaging.PointF[]
                                        new com.aspose.imaging.PointF(300, 100),
                new com.aspose.imaging.shapes.RectangleShape(new com.aspose.imaging.RectangleF(0, 100, 200, 200)),

// Fill the path using a yellow brush and a green pen to draw outline
        new com.aspose.imaging.Pen(com.aspose.imaging.Color.getGreen(), 2),
        new com.aspose.imaging.brushes.SolidBrush(com.aspose.imaging.Color.getYellow()), pathToFill);

// Create a path to draw
com.aspose.imaging.GraphicsPath pathToDraw = new com.aspose.imaging.GraphicsPath();
com.aspose.imaging.Figure figureToDraw = new com.aspose.imaging.Figure();

figureToDraw.addShapes(new com.aspose.imaging.Shape[]
                new com.aspose.imaging.shapes.ArcShape(new com.aspose.imaging.RectangleF(200, 200, 200, 200), 0, 360),

// Draw the path using a 5-pixel-wide orange pen.
graphics.drawPath(new com.aspose.imaging.Pen(com.aspose.imaging.Color.getOrange(), 5), pathToDraw);

// In order to rasterize SVG we need to specify rasterization options.
com.aspose.imaging.imageoptions.SvgRasterizationOptions rasterizationOptions = new com.aspose.imaging.imageoptions.SvgRasterizationOptions();
com.aspose.imaging.imageoptions.PngOptions saveOptions = new com.aspose.imaging.imageoptions.PngOptions();

// Get the final WMF image which includes all drawing commands
com.aspose.imaging.fileformats.emf.EmfImage emfImage = graphics.endRecording();
try {
    emfImage.save(dir + "test.output.emf");
} finally {

EmfRecorderGraphics2D(Rectangle frame, Size deviceSize, Size deviceSizeMm)

public EmfRecorderGraphics2D(Rectangle frame, Size deviceSize, Size deviceSizeMm)

Initializes a new instance of the EmfRecorderGraphics2D class.


frameRectangleThe frame.
deviceSizeSizeSize of the device.
deviceSizeMmSizeThe device size mm.


public int getBackgroundMode()

Gets or sets the background mode.

Returns: int - The background mode.

setBackgroundMode(int value)

public void setBackgroundMode(int value)

Gets or sets the background mode.


valueintThe background mode.


public EmfImage endRecording()

Ends the recording.

Returns: EmfImage - The result image.

fromEmfImage(EmfImage emfImage)

public static EmfRecorderGraphics2D fromEmfImage(EmfImage emfImage)

Gets an instance of the EmfRecorderGraphics2D containing all records from the Emf image.


emfImageEmfImageThe Emf image to read records from.

Returns: EmfRecorderGraphics2D - An instance of the EmfRecorderGraphics2D

Example: This example shows how to load a EMF image from a file and draw a text string over it.

String dir = "c:\\temp\\";

com.aspose.imaging.fileformats.emf.EmfImage emfImage = (com.aspose.imaging.fileformats.emf.EmfImage) com.aspose.imaging.Image.load(dir + "test.emf");
try {
    com.aspose.imaging.fileformats.emf.graphics.EmfRecorderGraphics2D graphics =

    // First, get the image size
    int width = emfImage.getWidth();
    int height = emfImage.getHeight();

    // Second, calculate a transformation to put a text string along the main diagonal of the image -
    // from the upper-left to the bootom-right corner.
    float emFontSize = 96f;
    float d = (float) java.lang.Math.sqrt(width * width + height * height);
    float scaleFactor = d / (emFontSize * 5f);

    float tan = ((float) height) / width;
    double radians = java.lang.Math.atan(tan);
    double degrees = (180 * radians) / java.lang.Math.PI;

    com.aspose.imaging.Matrix transform = new com.aspose.imaging.Matrix();
    transform.rotate((float) degrees);
    transform.scale(scaleFactor, scaleFactor);

    // Then, set the transform.

    // Finally, put a watermark (text string of pink color) along the main diagonal.
    graphics.drawString("WATERMARK", new com.aspose.imaging.Font(
                    "Courier New", emFontSize),
            com.aspose.imaging.Color.getLightPink(), 0, 0/*, (float)degrees*/);

    // Save the image with watermark to another EMF file.
    com.aspose.imaging.fileformats.emf.EmfImage scaledEmfImage = graphics.endRecording();
    try {
        scaledEmfImage.save(dir + "test.scaled.emf");
    } finally {
} finally {