]Inheritance: java.lang.Object
public class PathResource
Represents Photoshop Path Resource.
Constructor | Description |
PathResource() |
Method | Description |
getBlockId() | Gets the block identifier. |
setBlockId(short value) | Sets the block identifier. |
getName() | Gets the name. |
setName(String value) | Sets the name. |
getRecords() | Gets the records. |
setRecords(List | Sets the records. |
Example: The following example shows how to create Clipping Path in TIFF image.
The following example shows how to create Clipping Path in TIFF image. In order to do that you need to create an instance of PathResource class. The following code demonstrates the way how you can create an empty path in TIFF image.
TiffOptions options = new TiffOptions(TiffExpectedFormat.Default);
TiffFrame frame = new TiffFrame(options, 800, 600);
try (TiffImage image = new TiffImage(frame))
List<PathResource> list = new ArrayList<PathResource>();
PathResource pr = new PathResource();
pr.setName("My Clipping Path");
pr.setRecords(new ArrayList<VectorPathRecord>());
Example: Transfer Clipping Paths during export from TIFF to PSD image.
try (Image image = Image.load("Sample.tif"))
{"SampleWithPaths.psd", new PsdOptions());
Example: Create Clipping Path manually.
static void main()
try (TiffImage image = (TiffImage)Image.load("Sample.tif"))
PathResource res = new PathResource();
res.setBlockId((short) 2000); // Block Id according to Photoshop specification
res.setName("My Clipping Path"); // Path name
res.setRecords(createRecords(0.2f, 0.2f, 0.8f, 0.2f, 0.8f, 0.8f, 0.2f, 0.8f)); // Create path records using coordinates
private static List<VectorPathRecord> createRecords(float ... coordinates)
List<VectorPathRecord> records = createBezierRecords(coordinates); // Create Bezier records using coordinates
LengthRecord lr = new LengthRecord(); // LengthRecord required by Photoshop specification
lr.setOpen(false); // Lets create closed path
lr.setRecordCount(records.size()); // Record count in the path
records.add(0, lr);
return records;
private static List<VectorPathRecord> createBezierRecords(float[] coordinates)
List<VectorPathRecord> l = new LinkedList<VectorPathRecord>();
for (int index = 0; index < coordinates.length - 1; index += 2)
PointF pt = new PointF(coordinates[index], coordinates[index + 1]);
BezierKnotRecord br = new BezierKnotRecord();
br.setPathPoints(new PointF[] {pt, pt, pt});
return l;
Example: Create Graphics Path from Path Resources in TIFF image.
try (TiffImage image = (TiffImage)Image.load("Bottle.tif"))
// Create the GraphicsPath using PathResources from TIFF image
GraphicsPath graphicsPath = PathResourceConverter.toGraphicsPath(
image.getActiveFrame().getPathResources().toArray(new PathResource[0]),
Graphics graphics = new Graphics(image);
// Draw red line and save the image
graphics.drawPath(new Pen(Color.getRed(), 10), graphicsPath);"BottleWithRedBorder.tif");
Example: Create Path Resources using Graphics Path.
static void main()
try (TiffImage image = (TiffImage)Image.load("Bottle.tif"))
// Create rectangular Figure for GraphicsPath
Figure figure = new Figure();
figure.addShape(createBezierShape(100f, 100f, 500f, 100f, 500f, 1000f, 100f, 1000f));
// Create GraphicsPath using our Figure
GraphicsPath graphicsPath = new GraphicsPath();
// Set PathResources using GraphicsPath
PathResource[] pathResource = PathResourceConverter.fromGraphicsPath(graphicsPath, image.getSize());
// Save the image"BottleWithRectanglePath.tif");
private static BezierShape createBezierShape(float ... coordinates)
PointF[] bezierPoints = coordinatesToBezierPoints(coordinates);
return new BezierShape(bezierPoints, true);
private static PointF[] coordinatesToBezierPoints(float[] coordinates)
PointF[] bezierPoints = new PointF[3 * coordinates.length / 2];
int i = 0;
for (int coordinateIndex = 0; coordinateIndex < coordinates.length - 1; coordinateIndex += 2)
for (int index = 0; index < 3; index++)
bezierPoints[i++] = new PointF(coordinates[coordinateIndex], coordinates[coordinateIndex + 1]);
return bezierPoints;
public PathResource()
public final short getBlockId()
Gets the block identifier.
Value: The block identifier.
Returns: short - the block identifier.
setBlockId(short value)
public final void setBlockId(short value)
Sets the block identifier.
Value: The block identifier.
Parameter | Type | Description |
value | short | the block identifier. |
public final String getName()
Gets the name.
Value: The name.
Returns: java.lang.String - the name.
setName(String value)
public final void setName(String value)
Sets the name.
Value: The name.
Parameter | Type | Description |
value | java.lang.String | the name. |
public final List<VectorPathRecord> getRecords()
Gets the records.
Value: The records.
Returns: java.util.List<com.aspose.imaging.fileformats.core.vectorpaths.VectorPathRecord> - the records.
setRecords(List value)
public final void setRecords(List<VectorPathRecord> value)
Sets the records.
Value: The records.
Parameter | Type | Description |
value | java.util.List<com.aspose.imaging.fileformats.core.vectorpaths.VectorPathRecord> | the records. |