Class DicomImageInfo

DicomImageInfo class

Contains all meta-information from Dicom file header

public sealed class DicomImageInfo


BitsAllocated { get; }Gets a value of the “bitsAllocated”.
BitsStored { get; }Gets the number of stored bits.
Blues { get; }Gets the array colors of the blue
DicomHeaderInfoByBytes { get; }Gets the dicom header information by bytes.
DicomInfo { get; }Gets the header information of the DICOM file.
Greens { get; }Gets the array colors of the green
Height { get; }Gets the height.
IsLittleEndian { get; }Gets a value indicating whether this instance is little endian.
NumberOfFrames { get; }Gets the number of frames.
Offset { get; }Gets the offset.
PhotoInterpretation { get; }Gets a value of the “PhotoInterpretation”.
PixelRepresentation { get; }Gets a value of the pixel “pixelRepresentation”.
PlanarConfiguration { get; }Gets the planar configuration.
Reds { get; }Gets the array colors of the red
RescaleIntercept { get; }Gets a value of the “rescaleIntercept”.
RescaleSlope { get; }Gets a value of the “rescaleSlope”.
SamplesPerPixel { get; }Gets a value of the “samplesPerPixel”.
SignedImage { get; }Gets a value indicating whether “signedImage”.
Width { get; }Gets the width.
WindowCentre { get; }Gets the window centre.
WindowWidth { get; }Gets the width of the window.
static ReadonlyTagsList { get; }The read-only tags list. These tag values will be reset according to the actual image data upon image save.


AddTag(string, object)Add new Dicom tag.
RemoveTagAt(int)Remove an existing tag.
TryAddTag(string, object)Add new Dicom tag.
TryRemoveTagAt(int)Remove an existing tag.
TryUpdateTagAt(int, object)Update an existing tag.
UpdateTagAt(int, object)Update an existing tag.

See Also