Enum WmfRecordType
WmfRecordType enumeration
wmf Record type
public enum WmfRecordType : short
Name | Value | Description |
Eof | 0 | The EOF record type |
RealizePalette | 53 | The realizepalette |
SetPalentries | 55 | The setpalentries |
SetBkMode | 258 | The setbkmode |
SetMapMode | 259 | The setmapmode |
SetRop2 | 260 | The setrop2 |
SetRelabs | 261 | The setrelabs |
SetPolyfillMode | 262 | The setpolyfillmode |
SetStretchbltMode | 263 | The setstretchbltmode |
SetTextCharExtra | 264 | The settextcharextra |
RestoreDc | 295 | The restoredc |
ResizePalette | 313 | The resizepalette |
DibCreatePatternBrush | 322 | The dibcreatepatternbrush |
SetLayout | 329 | The setlayout |
SetBkColor | 513 | The setbkcolor |
SetTextColor | 521 | The settextcolor |
OffsetViewPortOrg | 529 | The offsetviewportorg |
LineTo | 531 | The lineto |
MoveTo | 532 | The moveto |
OffsetClipRgn | 544 | The offsetcliprgn |
FillRegion | 552 | The fillregion |
SetMapperFlags | 561 | The setmapperflags |
SelectPalette | 564 | The selectpalette |
Polygon | 804 | The polygon |
PolyLine | 805 | The polyline |
SetTextJustification | 522 | The settextjustification |
SetWindowOrg | 523 | The setwindoworg |
SetWindowExt | 524 | The setwindowext |
SetViewPortOrg | 525 | The setviewportorg |
SetViewportExt | 526 | The setviewportext |
OffsetWindowOrg | 527 | The offsetwindoworg |
ScaleWindowExt | 1040 | The scalewindowext |
ScaleViewportExt | 1042 | The scaleviewportext |
ExcludeClipRect | 1045 | The excludecliprect |
IntersectClipRect | 1046 | The intersectcliprect |
Ellipse | 1048 | The ellipse |
FloodFill | 1049 | The floodfill |
FrameRegion | 1065 | The frameregion |
AnimatePalette | 1078 | The animatepalette |
TextOut | 1313 | The textout |
PolyPolygon | 1336 | The polypolygon |
ExtFloodFill | 1352 | The extfloodfill |
Rectangle | 1051 | The rectangle |
SetPixel | 1055 | The setpixel |
RoundRect | 1564 | The roundrect |
PatBlt | 1565 | The patblt |
SaveDc | 30 | The savedc |
Pie | 2074 | The pie record type |
StretchBlt | 2851 | The stretchblt |
Escape | 1574 | The escape |
InvertRegion | 298 | The invertregion |
PaintRegion | 299 | The paintregion |
SelectClipRegion | 300 | The selectclipregion |
SelectObject | 301 | The selectobject |
SetTextAlign | 302 | The settextalign |
Arc | 2071 | The arc record type |
Chord | 2096 | The chord record type |
BitBlt | 2338 | The bitblt |
ExtTextOut | 2610 | The exttextout |
SetDibToDev | 3379 | The setdibtodev |
DibBitBlt | 2368 | The dibbitblt |
DibStretchBlt | 2881 | The dibstretchblt |
StretchDib | 3907 | The stretchdib |
DeleteObject | 496 | The deleteobject |
CreatePalette | 247 | The createpalette |
CreatePatternBrush | 505 | The createpatternbrush |
CreatePenInDirect | 762 | The createpenindirect |
CreateFontInDirect | 763 | The createfontindirect |
CreateBrushInDirect | 764 | The createbrushindirect |
CreateRegion | 1791 | The createregion |
None | -1 | The record type none. |
See Also
- namespace Aspose.Imaging.FileFormats.Wmf.Consts
- assembly Aspose.Imaging