
GaussianDeconvolutionFilterOptions class

The deconvolution filter options using Gaussian bluring.

public abstract class GaussianDeconvolutionFilterOptions : DeconvolutionFilterOptions


GaussianDeconvolutionFilterOptions(int, double)Initializes a new instance of the GaussianDeconvolutionFilterOptions class.


Brightness { get; set; }Gets or sets the brightness. recommended range 1 - 1.5 default value = 1.15
Grayscale { get; set; }Gets or sets a value indicating whether this DeconvolutionFilterOptions is grayscale. Return grayscale mode or RGB mode.
IsPartialLoaded { get; }Gets a value indicating whether this instance is partial loaded.
virtual Kernel { get; }Gets the kernel.
Radius { get; set; }Gets the radius of Gausseian ISquareConvolutionKernel.
Sigma { get; set; }Gets the Gaussian kernel sigma (smoothing). Must be a positive non-zero value.
Size { get; set; }Gets the Gaussian kernel size. Must be a positive non-zero odd value.
Snr { get; set; }Gets or sets the SNR(signal-to-noise ratio) recommended range 0.002 - 0.009, default value = 0.007

See Also