
ContentAwareFillWatermarkOptions.MaxPaintingAttempts property

Gets or sets the maximum number of painting attempts. The algorithm will chose the best variant.

public int MaxPaintingAttempts { get; set; }

Property Value

The maximum number of painting attempts.


The example shows how to remove any object from the image using Graphics Path with Content Aware fill algorithm.


var imageFilePath = "ball.png"; 
using (var image = Image.Load(imageFilePath))
    var pngImage = (PngImage)image;

    var mask = new GraphicsPath();
    var firstFigure = new Figure();
    firstFigure.AddShape(new EllipseShape(new RectangleF(350, 170, 570 - 350, 400 - 170)));

    var options = new ContentAwareFillWatermarkOptions(mask) 
        MaxPaintingAttempts = 4

    var result = WatermarkRemover.PaintOver(pngImage, options);


See Also