CmxRectangleSpec Class

Summary: Represents geometric info specified for a rectangle.

Module: aspose.imaging.fileformats.cmx.objectmodel.specs

Full Name: aspose.imaging.fileformats.cmx.objectmodel.specs.CmxRectangleSpec

Inheritance: ICmxObjectSpec

Aspose.Imaging Version: 24.7.0


CmxRectangleSpec()Initializes a new instance of the CmxRectangleSpec class


anglefloatr/wGets or sets the angle of rotation of the rectangle.
Measures in radians.
center_xfloatr/wGets or sets the X coordinate for the center of the rectangle.
Measures in common document distance units.
center_yfloatr/wGets or sets the Y coordinate for the center of the rectangle.
Measures in common document distance units.
heightfloatr/wGets or sets the height of the rectangle.
Measures in common document distance units.
radiusfloatr/wGets or sets the radius of rounded rectangle corners.
If its value is 0 then the rectangle has not rounded corners.
Measures in common document distance units.
widthfloatr/wGets or sets the width of the rectangle.
Measures in common document distance units.

Constructor: CmxRectangleSpec()


Initializes a new instance of the CmxRectangleSpec class