CmxGradient Class

Summary: Represents a gradient info.

Module: aspose.imaging.fileformats.cmx.objectmodel.styles

Full Name: aspose.imaging.fileformats.cmx.objectmodel.styles.CmxGradient


CmxGradient()Initializes a new instance of the CmxGradient class


anglefloatr/wGets or sets the angle.
center_x_offsetuintr/wGets or sets the center x offset.
center_y_offsetuintr/wGets or sets the center y offset.
colorsCmxColor[]r/wGets or sets the colors.
edge_offsetushortr/wGets or sets the edge offset.
modeushortr/wGets or sets the mode.
offsetsfloatr/wGets or sets the offsets.
rate_methodushortr/wGets or sets the rate method.
rate_valueushortr/wGets or sets the rate value.
screenushortr/wGets or sets the screen.
stepsushortr/wGets or sets the steps.
typeGradientTypesr/wGets or sets the type.

Constructor: CmxGradient()


Initializes a new instance of the CmxGradient class