EmfPlusFontStyleFlags Enumeration

The FontStyle flags specify styles of graphics font typefaces. These flags can be combined to specify multiple options.

Module: aspose.imaging.fileformats.emf.emfplus.consts

Full Name: aspose.imaging.fileformats.emf.emfplus.consts.EmfPlusFontStyleFlags

Aspose.Imaging Version: 24.7.0


Member nameDescription
FONT_STYLE_BOLDIf set, the font typeface MUST be rendered with a heavier weight or thickness.
If clear, the font typeface MUST be rendered with a normal thickness.
FONT_STYLE_ITALICIf set, the font typeface MUST be rendered with the vertical stems of the characters at an increased angle or slant relative to the baseline.
If clear, the font typeface MUST be rendered with the vertical stems of the characters at a normal angle.
FONT_STYLE_STRIKEOUTIf set, the font typeface MUST be rendered with a line parallel to the baseline drawn through the middle of the characters.
If clear, the font typeface MUST be rendered without a line through the characters.
FONT_STYLE_UNDERLINEIf set, the font typeface MUST be rendered with a line underneath the baseline of the characters.
If clear, the font typeface MUST be rendered without a line underneath the baseline.