EmfPlusPenDataFlags Enumeration

The PenData flags specify properties of graphics pens, including the presence of optional data fields. These flags can be combined to specify multiple options.

Module: aspose.imaging.fileformats.emf.emfplus.consts

Full Name: aspose.imaging.fileformats.emf.emfplus.consts.EmfPlusPenDataFlags


Member nameDescription
PEN_DATA_COMPOUND_LINEIndicates whether the length and content of a EmfPlusCompoundLineData object are present in the OptionalData field of an EmfPlusPenData object.
PEN_DATA_CUSTOM_END_CAPIndicates whether an EmfPlusCustomEndCapData object MUST be specified in the OptionalData field of an EmfPlusPenData object.
PEN_DATA_CUSTOM_START_CAPIndicates whether an EmfPlusCustomStartCapData object MUST be specified in the OptionalData field of an EmfPlusPenData object.
PEN_DATA_DASHED_LINEIndicates whether an EmfPlusDashedLineData object MUST be specified in the OptionalData field of an EmfPlusPenData object.
PEN_DATA_DASHED_LINE_CAPIndicates whether a dashed line cap MUST be specified in the OptionalData field of an EmfPlusPenData object.
PEN_DATA_DASHED_LINE_OFFSETIndicates whether a dashed line offset MUST be specified in the OptionalData field of an EmfPlusPenData object.
PEN_DATA_END_CAPIndicates whether the style of an ending line cap MUST be specified in the OptionalData field of an EmfPlusPenData object.
PEN_DATA_JOINIndicates whether a line join type MUST be specified in the OptionalData field of an EmfPlusPenData object.
PEN_DATA_LINE_STYLEIndicates whether a line style MUST be specified in the OptionalData field of an EmfPlusPenData object.
PEN_DATA_MITER_LIMITIndicates whether a miter limit MUST be specified in the OptionalData field of an EmfPlusPenData object.
PEN_DATA_NON_CENTERIndicates whether a pen alignment MUST be specified in the OptionalData field of an EmfPlusPenData object.
PEN_DATA_START_CAPIf set, the style of a starting line cap MUST be specified in the OptionalData field of an EmfPlusPenData object.
PEN_DATA_TRANSFORMIf set, a 2x3 transform matrix MUST be specified in the OptionalData field of an EmfPlusPenData object.