GifPlainTextRenderingBlock Class

Summary: Gif plain text extension block. The plain text extension contains textual data and the
parameters necessary to render that data as a graphic, in a simple form.

Module: aspose.imaging.fileformats.gif.blocks

Full Name: aspose.imaging.fileformats.gif.blocks.GifPlainTextRenderingBlock

Inheritance: IGifBlock, GifBlock

Aspose.Imaging Version: 24.7.0


GifPlainTextRenderingBlock()Initializes a new instance of the GifPlainTextRenderingBlock class.
GifPlainTextRenderingBlock(text_grid_left_position, text_grid_top_position, text_grid_width, text_grid_height, character_cell_width, character_cell_height, text_foreground_color_index, text_background_color_index, data)Initializes a new instance of the GifPlainTextRenderingBlock class.


BLOCK_SIZE [static]byterThe overall block size.
EXTENSION_INTRODUCER [static]byterExtension introducer.
EXTENSION_LABEL [static]byterThe plain text extension label.
SUB_BLOCK_SIZE [static]byterThe size of the sub block.
character_cell_heightbyter/wGets or sets the character cell height, in pixels, of each cell in the grid.
character_cell_widthbyter/wGets or sets the character cell width, in pixels, of each cell in the grid.
is_changedboolr/wGets or sets a value indicating whether block has changed and requires save.
plain_text_databyter/wGets or sets the plain text data.
text_background_color_indexbyter/wGets or sets the index of the color in the global color palette used to draw the text background.
text_foreground_color_indexbyter/wGets or sets the index of the color in the global color palette used to draw the text foreground.
text_grid_heightushortr/wGets or sets the text grid height in pixels
text_grid_left_positionushortr/wGets or sets the text grid left position.
text_grid_top_positionushortr/wGets or sets the text grid top position.
text_grid_widthushortr/wGets or sets the text grid with in pixels


save(stream)Saves the block to the specified stream.

Constructor: GifPlainTextRenderingBlock()


Initializes a new instance of the GifPlainTextRenderingBlock class.

Constructor: GifPlainTextRenderingBlock(text_grid_left_position, text_grid_top_position, text_grid_width, text_grid_height, character_cell_width, character_cell_height, text_foreground_color_index, text_background_color_index, data)

 GifPlainTextRenderingBlock(text_grid_left_position, text_grid_top_position, text_grid_width, text_grid_height, character_cell_width, character_cell_height, text_foreground_color_index, text_background_color_index, data) 

Initializes a new instance of the GifPlainTextRenderingBlock class.


text_grid_left_positionushortThe text grid left position.
text_grid_top_positionushortThe text grid top position.
text_grid_widthushortThe text grid width.
text_grid_heightushortThe text grid height.
character_cell_widthbyteThe character cell width.
character_cell_heightbyteThe character cell height.
text_foreground_color_indexbyteThe foreground color index.
text_background_color_indexbyteThe background color index.
databyteThe plain text data.

Method: save(stream)


Saves the block to the specified stream.


stream_io.BufferedRandomThe stream to save data to.