WmfMetafileEscapes Enumeration

The MetafileEscapes Enumeration specifies printer driver functionality that might not be
directly accessible through WMF records defined in the RecordType Enumeration (section

Module: aspose.imaging.fileformats.wmf.consts

Full Name: aspose.imaging.fileformats.wmf.consts.WmfMetafileEscapes

Aspose.Imaging Version: 24.6.0


Member nameDescription
ABORTDOCStops processing the current document.
BANDINFORetrieves or specifies settings concerning banding on a device, such as the
number of bands.
BEGIN_PATHOpens a path.
CHECKJPEGFORMATChecks whether the printer supports a JPEG image.
CHECKPNGFORMATChecks whether the printer supports a PNG image.
CLIP_TO_PATHDefines a clip region that is bounded by a path. The input MUST be a 16-bit
quantity that defines the action to take.
DOWNLOADFACESets the font face name on a device.
DOWNLOADHEADERInstructs the printer driver to download sets of PostScript procedures.
DRAFTMODEIndicates that the printer driver SHOULD print text only, and no graphics.
DRAWPATTERNRECTDraws a rectangle with a defined pattern.
ENABLEDUPLEXEnables or disables double-sided (duplex) printing on a device.
ENCAPSULATED_POSTSCRIPTSends arbitrary data directly to the printer driver.
ENDDOCNotifies the printer driver that the current print job is ending.
END_PATHEnds a path.
ENUMPAPERBINSRetrieves information concerning the sources of different forms on an
output device.
ENUMPAPERMETRICSQueries a printer driver for paper dimensions and other forms data.
EPSPRINTINGIndicates the start and end of an encapsulated PostScript (EPS) section.
EXTTEXTOUTDraws text using the currently selected font, background color, and text color.
FLUSHOUTCauses all pending output to be flushed to the output device.
GETCOLORTABLEGets color table values.
GETDEVICEUNITSGets the device units currently configured on an output device.
GETEXTENDEDTEXTMETRICSGets extended text metrics currently configured on an output
GETFACENAMEGets the font face name currently configured on a device.
GETPAIRKERNTABLEGets the font kern table currently defined on an output device.
GETPHYSPAGESIZERetrieves the physical page size currently selected on an output device.
GETPRINTINGOFFSETRetrieves the offset from the upper-left corner of the physical page
where the actual printing or drawing begins.
GETSCALINGFACTORRetrieves the scaling factors for the x-axis and the y-axis of a printer.
GETSETPAPERBINSRetrieves or specifies the source of output forms on a device.
GETSETPAPERMETRICSRetrieves or specifies paper dimensions and other forms data on an
output device.
GETSETPRINTORIENTRetrieves or specifies the paper orientation on a device.
GETTECHNOLOGYGets information concerning graphics technology that is supported on a
GETVECTORBRUSHSIZERetrieves the physical brush size currently defined on a device.
GETVECTORPENSIZERetrieves the physical pen size currently defined on a device.
GET_PS_FEATURESETTINGGets information on a specified feature setting for a PostScript
printer driver.
METAFILE_DRIVERQueries a printer driver about the support for metafiles on an output
META_ESCAPE_ENHANCED_METAFILEUsed to embed an enhanced metafile format (EMF)
metafile within a WMF metafile.
MXDC_ESCAPEEnables applications to write documents to a file or to a printer in XML Paper
Specification (XPS) format.
NEWFRAMENotifies the printer driver that the application has finished writing to a page.
NEXTBANDNotifies the printer driver that the application has finished writing to a band.
OPEN_CHANNELThe same as STARTDOC specified with a NULL document and output
filename, data in raw mode, and a type of zero.
PASSTHROUGHThis record passes through arbitrary data.
POSTSCRIPT_DATASends arbitrary PostScript data to an output device.
POSTSCRIPT_IDENTIFYSets the printer driver to either PostScript or GDI mode.
POSTSCRIPT_IGNORENotifies an output device to ignore PostScript data.
POSTSCRIPT_INJECTIONInserts a block of raw data into a PostScript stream. The input
MUST be a 32-bit quantity specifying the number of bytes to inject, a 16-bit quantity
specifying the injection point, and a 16-bit quantity specifying the page number, followed by
the bytes to inject.
POSTSCRIPT_PASSTHROUGHSends arbitrary data directly to a printer driver, which is
expected to process this data only when in PostScript mode. WmfMetafileEscapes.POSTSCRIPT_IDENTIFY.
QUERYDIBSUPPORTQueries the printer driver about its support for DIBs on an output device.
QUERYESCSUPPORTQueries a printer driver to determine whether a specific escape function
is supported on the output device it drives.
SETABORTPROCSets the application-defined function that allows a print job to be canceled
during printing.
SETCOLORTABLESets color table values.
SETCOPYCOUNTSets the number of copies.
SETDIBSCALINGSpecifies the scaling of device-independent bitmaps (DIBs).
SETLINECAPSpecifies the line-drawing mode to use in output to a device.
SETLINEJOINSpecifies the line-joining mode to use in output to a device.
SETMITERLIMITSets the limit for the length of miter joins to use in output to a device.
SETPAPERSOURCESets the source, such as a particular paper tray or bin on a printer, for
output forms.
SETPENWIDTHSets the width of a pen in pixels.
SPCLPASSTHROUGH2Enables applications to include private procedures and other arbitrary
data in documents.
STARTDOCNotifies the printer driver that a new print job is starting.