WmfPitchFont Enumeration

The PitchFont enumeration defines values that are used for specifying characteristics of a font.
The values are used to indicate whether the characters in a font have a fixed or variable width, or pitch.

Module: aspose.imaging.fileformats.wmf.consts

Full Name: aspose.imaging.fileformats.wmf.consts.WmfPitchFont

Aspose.Imaging Version: 24.7.0


Member nameDescription
DEFAULT_PITCHThe default pitch, which is implementation-dependent.
FIXED_PITCHA fixed pitch, which means that all the characters in the font occupy the same
width when output in a string.
VARIABLE_PITCHA variable pitch, which means that the characters in the font occupy widths
that are proportional to the actual widths of the glyphs when output in a string. For example,
the “i” and space characters usually have much smaller widths than a “W” or “O” character.