
The module contains types [MS-WMF]: Windows Metafile Format 2.2 WMF Objects


WmfAnimatePaletteThe META_ANIMATEPALETTE record redefines entries in the logical palette
that is defined in the playback device context with the specified
Palette object (section
WmfArcThe META_ARC record draws an elliptical arc.
WmfBitBltThe META_BITBLT record specifies the transfer of a block of pixels
according to a raster operation. The destination of the transfer is the
current output region in the playback device context.
WmfBitmap16The Bitmap16 Object specifies information about the dimensions and color
format of a bitmap.
WmfBitmapBaseHeaderThe base bitmap header class.
WmfBitmapCoreHeaderThe BitmapCoreHeader Object contains information about the dimensions
and color format of a device-independent bitmap(DIB).
WmfBitmapInfoHeaderThe BitmapInfoHeader Object contains information about the dimensions and color format of a device-independent
bitmap (DIB).
WmfChordThe META_CHORD record draws a chord, which is defined by a region
bounded by the intersection of an ellipse with a line segment. The chord
is outlined using the pen and filled using the brush that are defined in
the playback device context.
WmfCieXyzThe CIEXYZ Object defines information about the CIEXYZ chromaticity
WmfCieXyzTripleThe CIEXYZTriple Object defines information about the CIEXYZTriple color
WmfCreateBrushInDirectThe Create brush in direct
WmfCreateFontInDirectThe Create font
WmfCreatePaletteThe META_CREATEPALETTE record creates a Palette Object (section
WmfCreatePatternBrushThe META_CREATEPATTERNBRUSH record creates a brush object with a pattern
specified by a bitmap.
WmfCreatePenInDirectThe create pen in direct
WmfCreateRegionThe META_CREATEREGION record creates a Region Object (section
WmfDeleteObjectThe Delete object
WmfDeviceIndependentBitmapThe DeviceIndependentBitmap Object defines an image in
device-independent bitmap (DIB) format
WmfDibBitBltThe META_DIBBITBLT record specifies the transfer of a block of pixels in
device-independent format according to a raster operation.
WmfDibCreatePatternBrushThe META_DIBCREATEPATTERNBRUSH record creates a Brush Object (section with a pattern specified by a DeviceIndependentBitmap (DIB)
Object (section
WmfDibStrechBltThe META_DIBSTRETCHBLT record specifies the transfer of a block of
pixels in device-independent format according to a raster operation,
with possible expansion or contraction.
WmfEllipseThe META_ELLIPSE record draws an ellipse. The center of the ellipse is
the center of the specified bounding rectangle. The ellipse is outlined
by using the pen and is filled by using the brush; these are defined in
the playback device context.
WmfEofThe Eof object.
WmfEscapeThe wmf escape object.
WmfExcludeClipRectThe META_EXCLUDECLIPRECT record sets the clipping region in the playback
device context to the existing clipping region minus the specified
WmfExtFloodFillThe META_EXTFLOODFILL record fills an area with the brush that is
defined in the playback device context.
WmfExtTextOutWmf ext text out
WmfFillRegionThe META_FILLREGION record fills a region using a specified brush.
WmfFloodFillThe META_FLOODFILL record fills an area of the output surface with the
brush that is defined in the playback device context.
WmfFrameRegionThe wmf frame region object.
WmfGraphicObjectThe WMF Graphics Objects specify parameters for graphics output.
WmfIntersectClipRectThe META_INTERSECTCLIPRECT record sets the clipping region in the
playback device context to the intersection of the existing clipping
region and the specified rectangle.
WmfInvertRegionThe META_INVERTREGION record draws a region in which the colors are
WmfLineToThe META_LINETO record draws a line from the drawing position that is
defined in the playback device context up to, but not including, the
specified point.
WmfLogColorSpaceThe LogColorSpace object specifies a logical color space for the
playback device context, which can be the name of a color profile in
ASCII characters.
WmfLogColorSpaceWThe LogColorSpaceW object specifies a logical color space, which can be
defined by a color profile file with a name consisting of Unicode 16-bit
WmfMoveToThe META_MOVETO record sets the output position in the playback device
context to a specified point.
WmfObjectThe base wmf object.
WmfOffsetClipRgnThe META_OFFSETCLIPRGN record moves the clipping region in the playback
device context by the specified offsets.
WmfOffsetViewPortOrgThe META_OFFSETVIEWPORTORG record moves the viewport origin in the
playback device context by specified horizontal and vertical offsets.
WmfOffsetWindowOrgThe META_OFFSETWINDOWORG record moves the output window origin in the
playback device context by specified horizontal and vertical offsets.
WmfPaintRegionThe META_PAINTREGION record paints the specified region by using the
brush that is defined in the playback device context.
WmfPatBltThe META_PATBLT record paints a specified rectangle using the brush that
is defined in the playback device context. The brush color and the
surface color or colors are combined using the specified raster
WmfPieThe META_PIE record draws a pie-shaped wedge bounded by the intersection
of an ellipse and two radials. The pie is outlined by using the pen and
filled by using the brush that are defined in the playback device
WmfPitchAndFamilyThe PitchAndFamily object specifies the pitch and family properties of a
Font object (section Pitch refers to the width of the
characters, and family refers to the general appearance of a font.
WmfPointObjectThe Point object.
WmfPolyLineThe poly line object.
WmfPolyPolygonThe PolyPolygon Object defines a series of closed polygons.
WmfPolygonThe polygon object
WmfRealizePaletteThe META_REALIZEPALETTE record maps entries from the logical palette
that is defined in the playback device context to the system palette.
WmfRecordThe Wmf Record
WmfRectangleThe META_RECTANGLE record paints a rectangle. The rectangle is outlined
by using the pen and filled by using the brush that are defined in the
playback device context.
WmfRegionThe Region Object defines a potentially non-rectilinear shape defined by
an array of scanlines.
WmfResizePaletteThe META_RESIZEPALETTE record redefines the size of the logical palette
that is defined in the playback device context.
WmfRestoreDcThe restore DC object
WmfRoundRectThe rectangle object.
WmfSaveDcThe META_SAVEDC record saves the playback device context for later
WmfScaleViewportExtThe META_SCALEVIEWPORTEXT record scales the horizontal and vertical
extents of the viewport that is defined in the playback device context
by using the ratios formed by the specified multiplicands and divisors.
WmfScaleWindowExtThe META_SCALEWINDOWEXT record scales the horizontal and vertical
extents of the output window that is defined in the playback device
context by using the ratios formed by specified multiplicands and
WmfScanObjectThe Scan Object specifies a collection of scanlines.
WmfSelectClipRegionThe META_SELECTCLIPREGION record specifies a Region Object (section to be the current clipping region.
WmfSelectObjectThe select object.
WmfSelectPaletteThe META_SELECTPALETTE record defines the current logical palette with a
specified Palette Object.
WmfSetBkColorThe META_SETBKCOLOR record sets the background color in the playback
device context to a specified color, or to the nearest physical color if
the device cannot represent the specified color.
WmfSetBkModeThe set bk mode.
WmfSetDibToDevThe META_SETDIBTODEV record sets a block of pixels in the playback
device context using device-independent color data. The source of the
color data is a DIB.
WmfSetLayoutThe META_SETLAYOUT record defines the layout orientation in the playback
device context. The layout orientation determines the direction in which
text and graphics are drawn
WmfSetMapModeThe set map mode.
WmfSetMapperFlagsThe META_SETMAPPERFLAGS record defines the algorithm that the font
mapper uses when it maps logical fonts to physical fonts.
WmfSetPalentriesThe META_SETPALENTRIES record defines RGB color values in a range of
entries in the logical palette that is defined in the playback device
WmfSetPixelThe META_SETPIXEL record sets the pixel at the specified coordinates to
the specified color.
WmfSetPolyFillModeThe set poly fill mode.
WmfSetRelabsThe META_SETRELABS record is reserved and not supported.
WmfSetRop2The set rop2
WmfSetStretchbltModeThe META_SETSTRETCHBLTMODE record defines the bitmap stretching mode in
the playback device context.
WmfSetTextAlignThe Set text align
WmfSetTextCharExtraThe META_SETTEXTCHAREXTRA record defines inter-character spacing for
text justification in the playback device context. Spacing is added to
the white space between each character, including
break characters, when a line of justified text is
WmfSetTextColorThe Set text color.
WmfSetTextJustificationThe META_SETTEXTJUSTIFICATION record defines the amount of space to add
to break characters in a string of justified text.
WmfSetViewportExtThe META_SETVIEWPORTEXT record sets the horizontal and vertical extents
of the viewport in the playback device context.
WmfSetViewportOrgThe META_SETVIEWPORTORG record defines the viewport origin in the
playback device context.
WmfSetWindowExtThe set window object.
WmfSetWindowOrgThe set window org object
WmfStretchBltThe META_STRETCHBLT record specifies the transfer of a block of pixels
according to a raster operation, with possible expansion or contraction.
WmfStretchDibThe wmf Stretch DIB objetc.
WmfTextOutThe META_EXTTEXTOUT record outputs text by using the font, background
color, and text color that are defined in the playback device context.
Optionally, dimensions can be provided for clipping, opaquing, or both.
WmfUntypedThe wmf untyped object