WmfBitBlt Class

Summary: The META_BITBLT record specifies the transfer of a block of pixels
according to a raster operation. The destination of the transfer is the
current output region in the playback device context.

Module: aspose.imaging.fileformats.wmf.objects

Full Name: aspose.imaging.fileformats.wmf.objects.WmfBitBlt

Inheritance: WmfStretchBlt

Aspose.Imaging Version: 24.7.0


WmfBitBlt()Initializes a new instance of the WmfBitBlt class


bitmapWmfBitmap16r/wGets or sets the bitmap.
dest_heightshortr/wGets or sets the height of the dest.
dest_widthshortr/wGets or sets the width of the dest.
dst_positionPointr/wGets or sets the DST position.
raster_operationWmfTernaryRasterOperationr/wGets or sets the raster operation.
reservedshortr/wGets or sets the reserved.
src_heightshortr/wGets or sets the height of the source.
src_positionPointr/wGets or sets the source position.
src_widthshortr/wGets or sets the width of the source.

Constructor: WmfBitBlt()


Initializes a new instance of the WmfBitBlt class