WmfRegion Class

Summary: The Region Object defines a potentially non-rectilinear shape defined by
an array of scanlines.

Module: aspose.imaging.fileformats.wmf.objects

Full Name: aspose.imaging.fileformats.wmf.objects.WmfRegion

Inheritance: MetaObject

Aspose.Imaging Version: 24.7.0


WmfRegion()Initializes a new instance of the WmfRegion class


a_scansWmfScanObject[]r/wGets or sets a scans.
bounding_rectangleRectangler/wGets or sets the bounding rectangle.
max_scanshortr/wGets or sets the maximum scan.
next_in_chainshortr/wGets or sets the next in chain.
object_countintr/wGets or sets the object count.
object_typeshortr/wGets or sets the type of the object.
region_sizeshortr/wGets or sets the size of the region.
scan_countshortr/wGets or sets the scan count.

Constructor: WmfRegion()


Initializes a new instance of the WmfRegion class