Class PngOptions

PngOptions class

The png file format create options.

public class PngOptions : ImageOptionsBase


PngOptions()Initializes a new instance of the PngOptions class.
PngOptions(PngOptions)Initializes a new instance of the PngOptions class.


BitDepth { get; set; }The bit depth.
BufferSizeHint { get; set; }Gets or sets the buffer size hint which is defined max allowed size for all internal buffers.
ColorType { get; set; }Gets or sets the type of the color.
CompressionLevel { get; set; }The png image compression level in the 0-9 range, where 9 is maximum compression and 0 is store mode.
virtual DefaultReplacementFont { get; set; }Gets or sets the default replacement font (font that will be used to draw text when exporting to raster, if existing layer font in PSD file is not presented in system). To take proper name of default font can be used next code snippet: System.Drawing.Text.InstalledFontCollection col = new System.Drawing.Text.InstalledFontCollection(); System.Drawing.FontFamily[] families = col.Families; string defaultFontName = families[0].Name; PsdLoadOptions psdLoadOptions = new PsdLoadOptions() { DefaultReplacementFont = defaultFontName });
Disposed { get; }Gets a value indicating whether this instance is disposed.
FilterType { get; set; }Gets or sets the filter type used during png file save process.
FullFrame { get; set; }Gets or sets a value indicating whether [full frame].
MultiPageOptions { get; set; }The multipage options
virtual Palette { get; set; }Gets or sets the color palette.
ProgressEventHandler { get; set; }Gets or sets the progress event handler.
Progressive { get; set; }Gets or sets a value indicating whether this PngOptions is progressive.
virtual ResolutionSettings { get; set; }Gets or sets the resolution settings.
Source { get; set; }Gets or sets the source to create image in.
VectorRasterizationOptions { get; set; }Gets or sets the vector rasterization options.
override XmpData { get; set; }Gets or sets the XMP metadata container.


virtual Clone()Clones this instance.
Dispose()Disposes the current instance.


const DefaultCompressionLevelThe default compression level.


The following example demonstrates how you can export AI file to PSD and PNG format in Aspose.PSD


string sourceFileName = "";
string outputFileName = "form_8_export";
using (AiImage image = (AiImage)Image.Load(sourceFileName))
    image.Save(outputFileName + ".psd", new PsdOptions());
    image.Save(outputFileName + ".png", new PngOptions() { ColorType = PngColorType.TruecolorWithAlpha });

This example demonstrates the use of different classes from SaveOptions Namespace for export purposes. An image of type Psd is loaded into an instance of Image and then exported out to several formats.


//Load an existing image in an instance of Image class
using (Aspose.PSD.Image image = Aspose.PSD.Image.Load(@"C:\temp\image.psd"))
    //Export to BMP file format using the default options
    image.Save(@"C:\temp\output.bmp", new Aspose.PSD.ImageOptions.BmpOptions());

    //Export to JPEG file format using the default options
    image.Save(@"C:\temp\output.jpeg", new Aspose.PSD.ImageOptions.JpegOptions());

    //Export to JPEG 2000 file format using the default options
    image.Save(@"C:\temp\output.jp2", new Aspose.PSD.ImageOptions.Jpeg2000Options());

    //Export to PNG file format using the default options
    image.Save(@"C:\temp\output.png", new Aspose.PSD.ImageOptions.PngOptions());

    //Export to TIFF file format using the default options
    image.Save(@"c:\temp\output.tiff", new Aspose.PSD.ImageOptions.TiffOptions(Aspose.PSD.FileFormats.Tiff.Enums.TiffExpectedFormat.Default));

The following example demonstrates how you can use the PassThrough layer blend mode in Aspose.PSD


string sourceFileName = "Apple.psd";
string outputFileName = "OutputApple";
using (PsdImage image = (PsdImage)Image.Load(sourceFileName))
    if (image.Layers.Length < 23)
        throw new Exception("There is not 23rd layer.");

    var layer = image.Layers[23] as LayerGroup;

    if (layer == null)
        throw new Exception("The 23rd layer is not a layer group.");

    if (layer.Name != "AdjustmentGroup")
        throw new Exception("The 23rd layer name is not 'AdjustmentGroup'.");

    if (layer.BlendModeKey != BlendMode.PassThrough)
        throw new Exception("AdjustmentGroup layer should have 'pass through' blend mode.");

    image.Save(outputFileName + ".psd", new PsdOptions(image));
    image.Save(outputFileName + ".png", new PngOptions() { ColorType = PngColorType.TruecolorWithAlpha });

    layer.BlendModeKey = BlendMode.Normal;

    image.Save(outputFileName + "Normal.psd", new PsdOptions(image));
    image.Save(outputFileName + "Normal.png", new PngOptions() { ColorType = PngColorType.TruecolorWithAlpha });

The following example demonstrates that the document conversion progress works correctly and without an exception.


string sourceFilePath = "Apple.psd";
Stream outputStream = new MemoryStream();

Aspose.PSD.ProgressEventHandler localProgressEventHandler = delegate(ProgressEventHandlerInfo progressInfo)
    string message = string.Format(
        "{0} {1}: {2} out of {3}",

Console.WriteLine("---------- Loading Apple.psd ----------");
var loadOptions = new PsdLoadOptions() { ProgressEventHandler = localProgressEventHandler };
using (PsdImage image = (PsdImage)Image.Load(sourceFilePath, loadOptions))
    Console.WriteLine("---------- Saving Apple.psd to PNG format ----------");
        new PngOptions()
                ColorType = PngColorType.Truecolor,
                ProgressEventHandler = localProgressEventHandler

    Console.WriteLine("---------- Saving Apple.psd to PSD format ----------");
        new PsdOptions()
                ColorMode = ColorModes.Rgb,
                ChannelsCount = 4,
                ProgressEventHandler = localProgressEventHandler

This example uses Graphics class to create primitive shapes on the Image surface. To demonstrate the operation, the example creates a new Image in PSD format and draw primitive shapes on Image surface using Draw methods exposed by Graphics class then export it to PSD file format.


//Create an instance of Image 
using (Aspose.PSD.Image image = new Aspose.PSD.FileFormats.Psd.PsdImage(500, 500))
    //Create and initialize an instance of Graphics class
    Aspose.PSD.Graphics graphics = new Aspose.PSD.Graphics(image);

    //Clear Graphics surface

    //Draw an Arc by specifying the Pen object having Black color, 
    //a Rectangle surrounding the Arc, Start Angle and Sweep Angle
    graphics.DrawArc(new Pen(Color.Black, 2), new Rectangle(200, 200, 100, 200), 0, 300);

    //Draw a Bezier by specifying the Pen object having Blue color and co-ordinate Points.
    graphics.DrawBezier(new Pen(Color.Blue, 2), new Point(250, 100), new Point(300, 30), new Point(450, 100), new Point(235, 25));

    //Draw a Curve by specifying the Pen object having Green color and an array of Points
    graphics.DrawCurve(new Pen(Color.Green, 2), new[] { new Point(100, 200), new Point(100, 350), new Point(200, 450) });

    //Draw an Ellipse using the Pen object and a surrounding Rectangle
    graphics.DrawEllipse(new Pen(Color.Yellow, 2), new Rectangle(300, 300, 100, 100));

    //Draw a Line 
    graphics.DrawLine(new Pen(Color.Violet, 2), new Point(100, 100), new Point(200, 200));

    //Draw a Pie segment
    graphics.DrawPie(new Pen(Color.Silver, 2), new Rectangle(new Point(200, 20), new Size(200, 200)), 0, 45);

    //Draw a Polygon by specifying the Pen object having Red color and an array of Points
    graphics.DrawPolygon(new Pen(Color.Red, 2), new[] { new Point(20, 100), new Point(20, 200), new Point(220, 20) });

    //Draw a Rectangle
    graphics.DrawRectangle(new Pen(Color.Orange, 2), new Rectangle(new Point(250, 250), new Size(100, 100)));

    //Create a SolidBrush object and set its various properties
    Aspose.PSD.Brushes.SolidBrush brush = new Aspose.PSD.Brushes.SolidBrush();
    brush.Color = Color.Purple;
    brush.Opacity = 100;

    //Draw a String using the SolidBrush object and Font, at specific Point
    graphics.DrawString("This image is created by Aspose.PSD API", new Font("Times New Roman", 16), brush, new PointF(50, 400));

    //Create an instance of PngOptions and set its various properties
    Aspose.PSD.ImageOptions.PngOptions pngOptions = new Aspose.PSD.ImageOptions.PngOptions();

    // save all changes.
    image.Save("C:\\temp\\output.png", pngOptions);

See Also