Enum TagIcon

TagIcon enumeration

Specifies the icon of tag or task icon.

public enum TagIcon


NoIcon0Icon isn’t specified icon.
GreenCheckBox1Green check box icon.
YellowCheckBox2Yellow check box icon.
BlueCheckBox3Blue check box icon.
GreenStarCheckBox4Green-star check box icon.
YellowStarCheckBox5Yellow-star check box icon.
BlueStarCheckBox6Blue-star check box icon.
GreenExclamationCheckBox7Green-exclamation check box icon.
YellowExclamationCheckBox8Yellow-exclamation check box icon.
BlueExclamationCheckBox9Blue-exclamation check box icon.
GreenRightArrowCheckBox10Green, right-arrow check box icon.
YellowRightArrowCheckBox11Yellow, right-arrow check box icon.
BlueRightArrowCheckBox12Blue, right-arrow check box icon.
YellowStar13Yellow star icon.
BlueFollowUpFlag14Blue follow-up flag icon.
QuestionMark15Question mark icon.
BlueRightArrow16Blue right arrow icon.
HighPriority17High priority (red exclamation mark) icon.
ContactInformation18Contact information icon.
Meeting19Meeting (calendar) icon.
TimeSensitive20Time-sensitive icon.
LightBulb21Light bulb icon.
Pushpin22Pushpin icon.
Home23Home icon.
CommentBubble24Comment bubble icon.
SmilingFace25Smiling face icon.
AwardRibbon26Award ribbon icon.
YellowKey27Yellow key icon.
BlueCheckBox128Blue check box 1 icon.
BlueCircle129Blue circle 1 icon.
BlueCheckBox230Blue check box 2 icon.
BlueCircle231Blue circle 2 icon.
BlueCheckBox332Blue check box 3 icon.
BlueCircle333Blue circle 3 icon.
BlueEightPointStar34Blue, eight-point star icon.
BlueCheckMark35Blue check mark icon.
BlueCircle36Blue circle icon.
BlueDownArrow37Blue down arrow icon.
BlueLeftArrow38Blue left arrow icon.
BlueSolidTarget39Blue solid target icon.
BlueStar40Blue star icon.
BlueSun41Blue sun icon.
BlueTarget42Blue target icon.
BlueTriangle43Blue triangle icon.
BlueUmbrella44Blue umbrella icon.
BlueUpArrow45Blue up arrow icon.
BlueXWithDots46Blue “X” with dots icon.
BlueXNo47Blue “X” icon.
GreenCheckBox148Green check box 1 icon.
GreenCircle149Green circle 1 icon.
GreenCheckBox250Green check box 2 icon.
GreenCircle251Green circle 2 icon.
GreenCheckBox352Green check box 3 icon.
GreenCircle353Green circle 3 icon.
GreenEightPointStar54Green, eight-point star icon.
GreenCheckMark55Green check mark icon.
GreenCircle56Green circle icon.
GreenDownArrow57Green down arrow icon.
GreenLeftArrow58Green left arrow icon.
GreenRightArrow59Green right arrow icon.
GreenSolidArrow60Green solid arrow icon.
GreenStar61Green star icon.
GreenSun62Green sun icon.
GreenTarget63Green target icon.
GreenTriangle64Green triangle icon.
GreenUmbrella65Green umbrella icon.
GreenUpArrow66Green up arrow icon.
GreenXWithDots67Green “X” with dots icon.
GreenXNo68Green “X” icon.
YellowCheckBox169Yellow check box 1 icon.
YellowCircle170Yellow circle 1 icon.
YellowCheckBox271Yellow check box 2 icon.
YellowCircle272Yellow circle 2 icon.
YellowCheckBox373Yellow check box 3 icon.
YellowCircle374Yellow circle 3 icon.
YellowEightPointStar75Yellow, eight-point star icon.
YellowCheckMark76Yellow check mark icon.
YellowCircle77Yellow circle icon.
YellowDownArrow78Yellow down arrow icon.
YellowLeftArrow79Yellow left arrow icon.
YellowRightArrow80Yellow right arrow icon.
YellowSolidTarget81Yellow solid target icon.
YellowSun82Yellow sun icon.
YellowTarget83Yellow target icon.
YellowTriangle84Yellow triangle icon.
YellowUmbrella85Yellow umbrella icon.
YellowUpArrow86Yellow up arrow icon.
YellowXWithDots87Yellow “X” with dots icon.
YellowX88Yellow “X” icon.
FollowUpTodayFlag89Follow up today flag icon.
FollowUpTomorrowFlag90Follow up tomorrow flag icon.
FollowUpThisWeekFlag91Follow up this week flag icon.
FollowUpNextWeekFlag92Follow up next week flag icon.
NoFollowUpDateFlag93No follow-up date flag icon.
BluePersonCheckBox94Blue person check box icon.
YellowPersonCheckBox95Yellow person check box icon.
GreenPersonCheckBox96Green person check box icon.
BlueFlagCheckBox97Blue flag check box icon.
RedFlagCheckBox98Red flag check box icon.
GreenFlagCheckBox99Green flag check box icon.
RedSquare100Red square icon.
YellowSquare101Yellow square icon.
BlueSquare102Blue square icon.
GreenSquare103Green square icon.
OrangeSquare104Orange square icon.
PinkSquare105Pink square icon.
EMailMessage106E-mail message icon.
ClosedEnvelope107Closed envelope icon.
OpenEnvelope108Open envelope icon.
MobilePhone109Mobile phone icon.
TelephoneWithClock110Telephone with clock icon.
QuestionBalloon111Question balloon icon.
PaperClip112Paper clip icon.
FrowningFace113Frowning face icon.
InstantMessagingContactPerson114Instant messaging (IM) contact person icon.
PersonWithExclamationMark115Person with exclamation mark icon.
TwoPeople116Two people icon.
ReminderBell117Reminder bell icon.
ContactPersonOnCard118Contact (person on a card) icon.
RoseOnStem119Rose on a stem icon.
CalendarDateWithClock120Calendar date with clock icon.
MusicalNote121Musical note icon.
MovieClip122Movie clip icon.
QuotationMark123Quotation mark icon.
Globe124Globe icon.
HyperlinkGlobe125Hyperlink globe icon.
Laptop126Laptop icon.
Plane127Plane icon.
Car128Icon with a car.
Binoculars129Binoculars icon.
PresentationSlide130Presentation slide icon.
Padlock131Padlock icon.
OpenBook132Open book icon.
NotebookWithClock133Notebook with clock icon.
BlankPaperWithLines134Blank paper with lines icon.
Research135Research (books with a magnifying glass) icon.
Pen136Icon with a pen.
DollarSign137Dollar sign ($) icon.
CoinsWithWindowBackdrop138Coins with a window backdrop icon.
ScheduledTask139Scheduled task (form with a clock) icon.
LightningBolt140Lightning bolt icon.
Cloud141Cloud icon.
Heart142Heart icon.
Sunflower143Sunflower icon.
BlueCheckBox1Empty144Blue empty check box1 icon.
BlueCheckBox2Empty145Blue empty check box2 icon.
BlueCheckBox3Empty146Blue empty check box3 icon.
BlueCheckBoxEmpty147Blue empty check box icon.
BlueExclamationCheckBoxEmpty148Blue exclamation check box empty icon.
BlueFlagCheckBoxEmpty149Blue flag check box empty icon.
BluePersonCheckBoxEmpty150Blue person check box empty icon.
BlueRightArrowCheckBoxEmpty151Blue right arrow check box empty icon.
BlueStarCheckBoxEmpty152Blue star check box empty icon.
GreenCheckBox1Empty153Green empty check box1 icon.
GreenCheckBox2Empty154Green empty check box2 icon.
GreenCheckBox3Empty155Green empty check box3 icon.
GreenCheckBoxEmpty156Green empty check box icon.
GreenExclamationCheckBoxEmpty157Green exclamation empty check box icon.
GreenFlagCheckBoxEmpty158Green flag empty check box icon.
GreenPersonCheckBoxEmpty159Green person empty check box icon.
GreenRightArrowCheckBoxEmpty160Green right empty arrow check box icon.
GreenStarCheckBoxEmpty161Green star empty check box icon.
RedFlagCheckBoxEmpty162Red empty flag check box icon.
YellowCheckBox1Empty163Yellow empty check box1 icon.
YellowCheckBox2Empty164Yellow empty check box2 icon.
YellowCheckBox3Empty165Yellow empty check box3 icon.
YellowCheckBoxEmpty166Yellow empty check box icon.
YellowExclamationCheckBoxEmpty167Yellow empty exclamation check box icon.
YellowPersonCheckBoxEmpty168Yellow empty person check box icon.
YellowRightArrowCheckBoxEmpty169Yellow empty right arrow check box icon.
YellowStarCheckBoxEmpty170Yellow empty star check box icon.

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