Aspose::Page::XPS::XpsMetadata::JobPrimaryCoverBack class

JobPrimaryCoverBack class

Describes the back (ending) cover sheet. Each job will have a separate primary sheet. The cover sheet should be printed on the PageMediaSize and PageMediaType used for the final page of the job. The cover sheet should be integrated into processing options (such as JobDuplexAllDocumentsContiguously, JobNUpAllDocumentsContiguously) as indicated by the Option specified.

class JobPrimaryCoverBack : public Aspose::Page::XPS::XpsMetadata::Feature,
                            public Aspose::Page::XPS::XpsMetadata::IJobPrintTicketItem

Nested classes


JobPrimaryCoverBack(const System::ArrayPtr<System::SharedPtr<JobPrimaryCoverBack::CoverBackOption>>&)Creates a new instance.

See Also