Aspose::Page::XPS::XpsMetadata::PagePhotoPrintingIntent::PagePhotoPrintingIntentOption class
PagePhotoPrintingIntentOption class
Defines PagePhotoPrintingIntent feature options.
class PagePhotoPrintingIntentOption : public Aspose::Page::XPS::XpsMetadata::Option
Field | Description |
static None | No Photoprinting Intent (Allows the application to specify no intent resolution. PrintTicket settings should not be altered) |
static PhotoBest | Best Quality Photoprinting (Provided mostly for marketing reasons; utilizes the highest capabilities of the device) |
static PhotoDraft | Draft Quality Photoprinting (Quick, low ink volume print for proofing purposes) |
static PhotoStandard | Standard Quality Photoprinting (OEM suggested settings for standard photo-printing) |
See Also
- Class Option
- Class PagePhotoPrintingIntent
- Namespace Aspose::Page::XPS::XpsMetadata
- Library Aspose.Page for C++