Aspose::Page::XPS::XpsModel::XpsArcSegment class
]XpsArcSegment class
Class incapsulating ArcSegment element features. This element describes an elliptical arc.
class XpsArcSegment : public Aspose::Page::XPS::XpsModel::XpsPathSegment
Method | Description |
Clone() | Clones this arc segment. |
get_IsLargeArc() const | Returns/sets value determining whether the arc is drawn with a sweep of 180 or greater. |
get_Point() const | Returns/sets the endpoint of the elliptical arc. |
get_RotationAngle() const | Returns/sets value indicating how the ellipse is rotated relative to the current coordinate system. |
get_Size() const | Returns/sets the x and y radius of the elliptical arc as an x,y pair. |
get_SweepDirection() const | Returns/sets value specifying the direction in which the arc is drawn. |
set_IsLargeArc(bool) | Returns/sets value determining whether the arc is drawn with a sweep of 180 or greater. |
set_Point(System::Drawing::PointF) | Returns/sets the endpoint of the elliptical arc. |
set_RotationAngle(float) | Returns/sets value indicating how the ellipse is rotated relative to the current coordinate system. |
set_Size(System::Drawing::SizeF) | Returns/sets the x and y radius of the elliptical arc as an x,y pair. |
set_SweepDirection(XpsSweepDirection) | Returns/sets value specifying the direction in which the arc is drawn. |
See Also
- Class XpsPathSegment
- Namespace Aspose::Page::XPS::XpsModel
- Library Aspose.Page for C++