Aspose::Page::XPS::XpsModel::XpsMatrix class

XpsMatrix class

Class incapsulating MatrixTransform property element features. This element defines an arbitrary affine matrix transformation used to manipulate the coordinate systems of elements.

class XpsMatrix : public Aspose::Page::XPS::XpsModel::XpsObject


Clone()Clones this transformation matrix.
Equals(System::SharedPtr<System::Object>) overrideDetermines whether the specified System::Object is equal to this instance.
static Equals(System::SharedPtr<XpsMatrix>, System::SharedPtr<XpsMatrix>)The actual implementation.
get_IsIdentity()Gets a value indicating whether this instance is identity matrix.
get_M11()Gets the M11 element.
get_M12()Gets the M12 element.
get_M21()Gets the M21 element.
get_M22()Gets the M22 element.
get_M31()Gets the M31 element.
get_M32()Gets the M32 element.
GetHashCode() const overrideReturns a hash code for this instance.
Multiply(System::SharedPtr<System::Drawing::Drawing2D::Matrix>, System::Drawing::Drawing2D::MatrixOrder)Multiplies this matrix by the matrix specified by the matrix in order specified by matrixOrder .
Multiply(System::SharedPtr<System::Drawing::Drawing2D::Matrix>)Multiplies this matrix by the matrix specified by the matrix in default (Prepend) order.
Multiply(System::SharedPtr<XpsMatrix>, System::Drawing::Drawing2D::MatrixOrder)Multiplies this matrix by the matrix specified by the matrix in order specified by matrixOrder .
Multiply(System::SharedPtr<XpsMatrix>)Multiplies this matrix by the matrix specified by the matrix in default (Prepend) order.
Reset()Resets this Matrix to identity matrix.
Rotate(float, System::Drawing::Drawing2D::MatrixOrder)Applies clockwise rotation by angle to this Matrix in order specified by matrixOrder .
Rotate(float)Applies clockwise rotation by angle to this Matrix in default (Prepend) order.
RotateAround(float, System::Drawing::PointF, System::Drawing::Drawing2D::MatrixOrder)Applies clockwise rotation by angle around the pivot to this Matrix in order specified by matrixOrder .
RotateAround(float, System::Drawing::PointF)Applies clockwise rotation by angle around the pivot to this Matrix in default (Prepend) order.
Scale(float, float, System::Drawing::Drawing2D::MatrixOrder)Applies the specified scale vector (scaleX and scaleY) to this Matrix in order specified by matrixOrder .
Scale(float, float)Applies the specified scale vector (scaleX and scaleY) to this Matrix in default (Prepend) order.
Skew(double, double)Applies specified skew transformation to this Matrix.
ToString() const overrideReturns the string representation of this XpsMatrix instance.
Transform(System::Drawing::RectangleF)Applies the affine transformation represented by this Matrix to a specified rectangle.
TransformPoint(System::Drawing::PointF)Applies the affine transformation represented by this Matrix to a specified point.
TransformPoints(System::ArrayPtr<System::Drawing::PointF>, int32_t, int32_t)Applies the affine transformation represented by this Matrix to a specified part of array of points.
TransformPoints(System::ArrayPtr<System::Drawing::PointF>)Applies the affine transformation represented by this Matrix to a specified array of points.
Translate(float, float, System::Drawing::Drawing2D::MatrixOrder)Applies the specified translation vector to this Matrix in order specified by matrixOrder .
Translate(float, float)Applies the specified translation vector to this Matrix.

See Also