This is the complete list of members for System::Drawing::Imaging::Metafile, including all inherited members.
CheckOutputFormat(const Imaging::ImageFormatPtr &image_format) const | System::Drawing::Image | protected |
CheckOutputFormat(const Imaging::ImageCodecInfoPtr &encoder) | System::Drawing::Image | protectedstatic |
CheckOutputFormat(SkEncodedImageFormat encoded_format) | System::Drawing::Image | protectedstatic |
Clone() override | System::Drawing::Imaging::Metafile | virtual |
ConvertToGrayscale(const SkBitmap &src_bitmap) | System::Drawing::Image | protectedstatic |
Dispose() override | System::Drawing::Image | inlinevirtual |
Draw(SkCanvas *sk_canvas, const SkRect &dest_rect, const SkRect &src_rect, SkMatrix *matrix, SkFilterQuality quality, SkBlendMode blend_mode) const override | System::Drawing::Imaging::Metafile | protectedvirtual |
Draw(SkCanvas *sk_canvas, const SkRect &dest_rect, SkMatrix *matrix, SkFilterQuality quality, SkBlendMode blend_mode) const override | System::Drawing::Imaging::Metafile | protectedvirtual |
Draw(SkCanvas *sk_canvas, ArrayPtr< PointF > dest_points, const SkRect &src_rect, SkMatrix *matrix, SkFilterQuality quality, SkBlendMode blend_mode) const override | System::Drawing::Imaging::Metafile | protectedvirtual |
Draw(SkCanvas *sk_canvas, const System::Details::ArrayView< PointF > &dest_points, const SkRect &src_rect, SkMatrix *matrix, SkFilterQuality quality, SkBlendMode blend_mode) const override | System::Drawing::Imaging::Metafile | protectedvirtual |
Equals(ptr obj) | System::Object | virtual |
Equals(T1 const &objA, T2 const &objB) | System::Object | inlinestatic |
Equals(T1 const &objA, T2 const &objB) | System::Object | inlinestatic |
Equals(float const &objA, float const &objB) | System::Object | inline |
Equals(double const &objA, double const &objB) | System::Object | inline |
FastCast(const Details::FastRttiBase &helper, void **out_ptr) const | System::Object | virtual |
FromFile(const String &filename, bool use_embedded_color_management=false) | System::Drawing::Image | static |
FromHbitmap(IntPtr hbitmap) | System::Drawing::Image | static |
FromStream(const SharedPtr< System::IO::Stream > &stream, bool use_embedded_color_management=false, bool validate_image_data=true) | System::Drawing::Image | static |
get_Flags() const | System::Drawing::Image | virtual |
get_FrameDimensionsList() const | System::Drawing::Image | |
get_Height() const override | System::Drawing::Imaging::Metafile | virtual |
get_HorizontalResolution() const | System::Drawing::Image | |
get_Palette() const | System::Drawing::Image | virtual |
get_PixelFormat() const override | System::Drawing::Imaging::Metafile | virtual |
get_PropertyIdList() const | System::Drawing::Image | virtual |
get_PropertyItems() const | System::Drawing::Image | virtual |
get_RawFormat() const override | System::Drawing::Imaging::Metafile | virtual |
get_Size() const | System::Drawing::Image | |
get_Tag() const | System::Drawing::Image | virtual |
get_VerticalResolution() const | System::Drawing::Image | |
get_Width() const override | System::Drawing::Imaging::Metafile | virtual |
GetBounds(GraphicsUnit &page_unit) | System::Drawing::Image | |
GetCounter() | System::Object | inline |
GetDrawingCanvas() const override | System::Drawing::Imaging::Metafile | protectedvirtual |
GetFrameCount(const Imaging::FrameDimensionPtr &dimension) | System::Drawing::Image | |
GetHashCode() const | System::Object | virtual |
GetHenhmetafile() | System::Drawing::Imaging::Metafile | |
GetMetafileHeader() | System::Drawing::Imaging::Metafile | |
GetOriginalFormat() const override | System::Drawing::Imaging::Metafile | protectedvirtual |
GetPixelFormatSize(Imaging::PixelFormat pixfmt) | System::Drawing::Image | static |
GetRawBytes(SkEncodedImageFormat encoder_type, int quality) override | System::Drawing::Imaging::Metafile | protectedvirtual |
GetSkBitmap() const override | System::Drawing::Imaging::Metafile | protectedvirtual |
GetSkEncodedFormat() const override | System::Drawing::Imaging::Metafile | protectedvirtual |
GetThumbnailImage(int thumbWidth, int thumbHeight, Image::GetThumbnailImageAbort callback, IntPtr callbackData) | System::Drawing::Image | |
GetThumbnailImageAbort typedef | System::Drawing::Image | |
GetType() const | System::Object | virtual |
InternalSave(const SharedPtr< System::IO::Stream > &stream, SkEncodedImageFormat encoder_type, Imaging::EncoderValue encoder_value=Imaging::EncoderValue::CompressionLZW, int pixel_format=32, int quality=s_default_save_quality) | System::Drawing::Image | protected |
InternalSave(const SharedPtr< IO::Stream > &stream, SkEncodedImageFormat encoder_type, const SaveOptions &options) | System::Drawing::Image | protected |
InternalSavePage(const SkBitmap *bitmap, const SaveOptions &options) | System::Drawing::Image | protected |
Is(const TypeInfo &targetType) const | System::Object | virtual |
IsAlphaPixelFormat(Imaging::PixelFormat pixfmt) | System::Drawing::Image | static |
IsEmf(const System::SharedPtr< System::IO::Stream > &stream) | System::Drawing::Image | protectedstatic |
IsMultiImage() const | System::Drawing::Image | virtual |
IsWmf(const System::SharedPtr< System::IO::Stream > &stream) | System::Drawing::Image | protectedstatic |
Lock() | System::Object | |
m_horizontal_resolution | System::Drawing::Image | protected |
m_palette | System::Drawing::Image | protected |
m_vertical_resolution | System::Drawing::Image | protected |
MemberwiseClone() const | System::Object | virtual |
Metafile(const System::String &filename) | System::Drawing::Imaging::Metafile | |
Metafile(const SharedPtr< System::IO::Stream > &stream) | System::Drawing::Imaging::Metafile | |
Metafile(const SharedPtr< System::IO::Stream > &stream, IntPtr hdc, EmfType type) | System::Drawing::Imaging::Metafile | |
Metafile(const SharedPtr< System::IO::Stream > &stream, IntPtr hdc) | System::Drawing::Imaging::Metafile | |
Metafile(const SharedPtr< System::IO::Stream > &stream, IntPtr hdc, Rectangle rect, MetafileFrameUnit frameUnit, EmfType type) | System::Drawing::Imaging::Metafile | |
Metafile(const SharedPtr< System::IO::Stream > &stream, IntPtr hdc, RectangleF rect, MetafileFrameUnit frameUnit, EmfType type) | System::Drawing::Imaging::Metafile | |
Metafile(IntPtr, EmfType) | System::Drawing::Imaging::Metafile | |
Object() | System::Object | |
Object(Object const &x) | System::Object | |
operator=(Object const &x) | System::Object | inline |
ParseEncoderParameters(const Imaging::EncoderParametersPtr &encoder_params) | System::Drawing::Image | protectedstatic |
PlayRecord(EmfPlusRecordType, int32_t, int32_t, System::ByteArrayPtr) | System::Drawing::Imaging::Metafile | |
ptr typedef | System::Object | |
ReferenceEquals(ptr const &objA, ptr const &objB) | System::Object | inlinestatic |
ReferenceEquals(T const &objA, T const &objB) | System::Object | inlinestatic |
ReferenceEquals(T const &objA, std::nullptr_t) | System::Object | inlinestatic |
ReferenceEquals(String const &str, std::nullptr_t) | System::Object | inline |
ReferenceEquals(String const &str1, String const &str2) | System::Object | inline |
RemovedSharedRefs(int count) | System::Object | inline |
RotateFlip(RotateFlipType rotate_flip_type) | System::Drawing::Image | virtual |
s_default_save_quality | System::Drawing::Image | protectedstatic |
Save(const String &filename) | System::Drawing::Image | |
Save(const String &filename, const Imaging::ImageFormatPtr &format) | System::Drawing::Image | |
Save(const SharedPtr< System::IO::Stream > &stream, const Imaging::ImageFormatPtr &format) | System::Drawing::Image | |
Save(const String &filename, const Imaging::ImageCodecInfoPtr &encoder, const Imaging::EncoderParametersPtr &encoder_params) | System::Drawing::Image | |
Save(const SharedPtr< System::IO::Stream > &stream, const Imaging::ImageCodecInfoPtr &encoder, const Imaging::EncoderParametersPtr &encoder_params) | System::Drawing::Image | |
SaveAdd(const Imaging::EncoderParametersPtr &encoder_params) | System::Drawing::Image | |
SaveAdd(const SharedPtr< Image > &image, const Imaging::EncoderParametersPtr &encoder_params) | System::Drawing::Image | |
SelectActiveFrame(const Imaging::FrameDimensionPtr &dimension, int frameIndex) | System::Drawing::Image | |
set_Palette(Imaging::ColorPalettePtr value) | System::Drawing::Image | virtual |
set_Tag(const System::SharedPtr< System::Object > tag) | System::Drawing::Image | virtual |
SetTemplateWeakPtr(uint32_t argument) | System::Object | virtual |
SharedCount() const | System::Object | inline |
SharedRefAdded() | System::Object | inline |
SharedRefRemovedSafe() | System::Object | inline |
ToString() const | System::Object | virtual |
Type() | System::Object | inlinestatic |
Unlock() | System::Object | |
WeakRefAdded() | System::Object | inline |
WeakRefRemoved() | System::Object | inline |
~Metafile() | System::Drawing::Imaging::Metafile | virtual |
~Object() | System::Object | virtual |