System::DateTime::TryParseExact method

DateTime::TryParseExact(const String&, const ArrayPtr<String>&, const SharedPtr<Globalization::CultureInfo>&, Globalization::DateTimeStyles, DateTime&) method

static bool System::DateTime::TryParseExact(const String &s, const ArrayPtr<String> &formats, const SharedPtr<Globalization::CultureInfo> &culture, Globalization::DateTimeStyles styles, DateTime &result)

See Also

DateTime::TryParseExact(const String&, const ArrayPtr<String>&, const SharedPtr<Globalization::DateTimeFormatInfo>&, Globalization::DateTimeStyles, DateTime&) method

static bool System::DateTime::TryParseExact(const String &s, const ArrayPtr<String> &formats, const SharedPtr<Globalization::DateTimeFormatInfo> &dtfi, Globalization::DateTimeStyles styles, DateTime &result)

See Also

DateTime::TryParseExact(const String&, const ArrayPtr<String>&, const SharedPtr<IFormatProvider>&, Globalization::DateTimeStyles, DateTime&) method

Converts the specified string representation of a date and time value to the equivalent DateTime object using the specified formats, culture-specific format information and style. The format of the string representation must match one or more of the specified formats exactly.

static bool System::DateTime::TryParseExact(const String &s, const ArrayPtr<String> &formats, const SharedPtr<IFormatProvider> &provider, Globalization::DateTimeStyles styles, DateTime &result)
sconst String&The string representation of a date and time value to convert.
formatsconst ArrayPtr<String>&The array of string formats.
providerconst SharedPtr<IFormatProvider>&The IFormatProvider object that provides culture-specific format information.
stylesGlobalization::DateTimeStylesA bitwise combination of the enumeration values that provides additional information about s, about style elements that may be present in s, or about the conversion from s to a DateTime object.
resultDateTime&The output argument that, if the conversion succeeds, contains the result of conversion.


True if conversion succeeds, otherwise - false.

See Also

DateTime::TryParseExact(const String&, const ArrayPtr<String>&, std::nullptr_t, Globalization::DateTimeStyles, DateTime&) method

static bool System::DateTime::TryParseExact(const String &s, const ArrayPtr<String> &formats, std::nullptr_t, Globalization::DateTimeStyles styles, DateTime &result)

See Also

DateTime::TryParseExact(const String&, const String&, const SharedPtr<Globalization::CultureInfo>&, Globalization::DateTimeStyles, DateTime&) method

static bool System::DateTime::TryParseExact(const String &s, const String &format, const SharedPtr<Globalization::CultureInfo> &culture, Globalization::DateTimeStyles styles, DateTime &result)

See Also

DateTime::TryParseExact(const String&, const String&, const SharedPtr<Globalization::DateTimeFormatInfo>&, Globalization::DateTimeStyles, DateTime&) method

static bool System::DateTime::TryParseExact(const String &s, const String &format, const SharedPtr<Globalization::DateTimeFormatInfo> &dtfi, Globalization::DateTimeStyles styles, DateTime &result)

See Also

DateTime::TryParseExact(const String&, const String&, const SharedPtr<IFormatProvider>&, Globalization::DateTimeStyles, DateTime&) method

Converts the specified string representation of a date and time value to the equivalent DateTime object using the specified format, culture-specific format information and style. The format of the string representation must match the specified format exactly.

static bool System::DateTime::TryParseExact(const String &s, const String &format, const SharedPtr<IFormatProvider> &provider, Globalization::DateTimeStyles styles, DateTime &result)
sconst String&The string representation of a date and time value to convert.
formatconst String&The string format.
providerconst SharedPtr<IFormatProvider>&The IFormatProvider object that provides culture-specific format information.
stylesGlobalization::DateTimeStylesA bitwise combination of the enumeration values that provides additional information about s, about style elements that may be present in s, or about the conversion from s to a DateTime object.
resultDateTime&The output argument that, if the conversion succeeds, contains the result of conversion.


True if conversion succeeds, otherwise - false.

See Also

DateTime::TryParseExact(const String&, const String&, std::nullptr_t, Globalization::DateTimeStyles, DateTime&) method

static bool System::DateTime::TryParseExact(const String &s, const String &format, std::nullptr_t, Globalization::DateTimeStyles styles, DateTime &result)

See Also