
The Aspose.Page is a root namespace for all classes of Aspose.Page library which are either directly in it like Device or indirectly through several subnamespaces.


BuildVersionInfoThis class provides information about current product build.
DocumentA superclass for all encapsulated documents.
ExternalFontCacheUse this class to obtain font encapsulation in a form that is accepted by Device.
LicenseProvides methods to license the component.
MarginsThis class encapsulates top, left, bottom and right margins.
MeteredProvides methods to set metered key.
SaveOptionsThis class contains options necessary for managing conversion process.
UserPropertiesSpecial property class which allows typed properties to be set and returned. It also allows the hookup of two default property objects to be searched if this property object does not contain the property.


IGlyphThis interface give access to main parameters of glyphs.


TextRenderingModeThis enum contains possible values for text rendering mode.
UnitsThis enum contains possible values for size units.