
AddString(string, Font, int, float, PointF)

Adds a text string to this path.

public void AddString(string s, Font font, int style, float emSize, PointF origin)
sThe String to add.
familyA FontFamily that represents the name of the font with which the test is drawn.
styleA FontStyle enumeration that represents style information about the text (bold, italic, and so on). This must be cast as an integer (see the example code later in this section).
emSizeThe height of the em square box that bounds the character.
originA PointF that represents the point where the text starts.
formatA StringFormat that specifies text formatting information, such as line spacing and alignment.

See Also

AddString(string, Font, int, float, RectangleF)

Adds a text string to this path.

public void AddString(string s, Font font, int style, float emSize, RectangleF layoutRect)
sThe String to add.
familyA FontFamily that represents the name of the font with which the test is drawn.
styleA FontStyle enumeration that represents style information about the text (bold, italic, and so on). This must be cast as an integer (see the example code later in this section).
emSizeThe height of the em square box that bounds the character.
layoutRectA RectangleF that represents the rectangle that bounds the text.
formatA StringFormat that specifies text formatting information, such as line spacing and alignment.

See Also