Class PageScaling.PageScalingOption

PageScaling.PageScalingOption class

Describes the PageScaling features options.

public sealed class PageScalingOption : Option


Name { get; }Gets the element name.


Add(params IOptionItem[])Adds a list of items to the end of this option’s item list. Each one must be a ScoredProperty or Property instance.


static CustomSpecifies a custom scaling should be applied to the Application Media Size.
static CustomSquareSpecifies a custom square scaling should be applied to the Application Media Size.
static FitApplicationBleedSizeToPageImageableSizeSpecifies the application bleed size should be scaled to the PageImageableSize preserving the aspect ratio.
static FitApplicationContentSizeToPageImageableSize
static FitApplicationMediaSizeToPageImageableSizeSpecifies the application media size should be scaled to the PageImageableSize preserving the aspect ratio.
static FitApplicationMediaSizeToPageMediaSizeSpecifies the application media size should be scaled to the PageMediaSize preserving the aspect ratio.
static NoneSpecifies that no scaling should be applied.

See Also